Officially Dead

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Tyler's P.O.V

"It's 29/11/22 it was said that he tweeted his last tweet at 10:39 and the Police found him at 12:04 in his apertment lying on the kitchen floor with 3 bottles of pills around him, then today 1 minute ago Dan Howell also Known as Danisnotonfire form his YouTube channel was anouced dead by the police and the hospital that he was in" 

I listen to the T.V and look over to the others there all crying and so am I. I'm not crying as much as they are, because Dan needed to, he loved Phil well I shouldn't say loved because he loves Phil and I knew that he would have done anything to be with him, even if it meant killing himself because that's what he did. He killed himself to be with phil, to be with the person he really loves, he really cares about, he really looks up to, he really want to spend his HOLE ENTIRE LIFE WITH EVEN WHEN HES DEAD, phil is someone dan really loves and if I know anything you can't stop love, just like we couldn't stop dan.

"Dan Howell was a really great person and I know that many of his fans and friends will miss him" the news reporter takes a big breath and then starts talking again "all we know as of right now is that Dan Howell Killed himself with pills because he was going through depression, his depression started after his Best Friend and Lover Phil Lester Also known as AmazingPhil from YouTube past away on the 29/11/22 This sent Dan howell into a deep depression making him think that there's nothing to live for so today he killed himself, we have now been told that today on the 20/2 this is Dan And Phil rememberince day where we remember These two YouTubers how had such a big impact on the word and made great friends and made and still make so many people happy. We did talk to Tyler Oakley one of Dan Howells and Phil Lesters best friends." 

Everyone stops crying and looks at me confused about what the news reporter just said.

"You talked to the police?" Felix Says 

"Yes I did" I say back to Felix looking at him 

"Well what did you say?" Trevor Asks looking at me then to the T.V then back to me

"Why don't you listen to the t.v and find out" I say pointing to the T.V

Everyone then looks back to the T.V listening to the news reporter again

"Tyler Oakley said that before Dan killed himself Tyler talked to Dan, Tyler Drove Dan back to his apartment and then left and then Dan killed himself but before they got Back to The Apartment Dan told Tyler something, the day Dan was going to Phils funeral Dan found a note in Phils room wich was for Dan but Phil never told Dan about it. We would have read the letter to you but because of personal information that's on the letter we can't show it to you we don't even have the letter Tyler does" 

Everyone then looks at me again and I turn of the T.V. I reach my hand down to my pocket and pull out a peace of paper. 

"Is that the note?" Connor Asks

"You bet it is, so who wants to read it?" I ask putting it on the table infront of me


So I hope you enjoyed that I can't promise you that I will update that much but I will try (I'm not joking I forgot about this completely sorry) another update realllly soon

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