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Connor P.O.V

"So if you guys haven't heard although you proberly have" I start I take a breath in and out then continue "two of my best friends have past away And those two friends are Dan and Phil" I start to sniffle and cry "Phil had past away from Natural causes and Dan he Commited Suicide. After Philpast away Dan went into a deep depression." I wipe away a small tire forming on my cheek. "Just in case you haven't heard Dan tweeted this *Tweet Comes up on screen* and 1 minute after he tweeted that he killed himself so I'm making this video to say how much they mean to me, "at this point I started to full on cry "their my best friends and to be honest I'd still be in the closet if it wasn't for them they made me realise that it's ok if you're Gay Leabian Bi Asexual or anything else it's who you are and if people can't except you for that then there not people you need to worry about" I wipe my eyes and look down to the floor then back up to the camera " Dan and Phil were the funniest and nicest people I've ever meet so please go and show some surport to the Dan and Phil fans and also me Tyler Shane Ricky Trevor Felix Zoe pj Chris Louise joe Alfie and some other YouTubers are starting a campaign it's called "StopSuicideStopDeath" we made it in hounor of the past of Dan And Phil even if you give $1 or less it could save someone's life so please help us. love You Dan And Phil" I say as I look up to my roof and then I turn of the camera.

Felix's P.O.V

"Hey hows it going bros? today's video is a bit different it's not a funny video it's not a gaming video it's a video about Dan and Phil. So if you haven't heard yet Dan and Phil past away Phil died and Dan killed himself so I'm making this video to tell you Me and some other friends made a campaign called "StopSuicideStopDeath" the link to it will be in the description if you want to give some money because even $1 could save someone's life so please help us raise money for people who need it. I love you all and I love Dan and Phil" I say as I look to my roof "see you bros in the next video"

Shane P.O.V

"Hey guys I just wanna start of by saying this is not a funny video or anything like that because this video is about the deaths of Dan Howell and Phil Lester. So if you haven't heard yet Dan and Phil also know as Danisnotonfire and AmazingPhil are dead, Phil died from normal circumstances and after he died it made Dan go into a deep depression and just yesterday Dan killed himself, so after this happened me and some other of Dan and Phil's best friends decided to put up a campaign to raise money for other people who are thinking about suicide and others who are dying, if you want to help us you can click this link here *link goes on screen* or there's a link in the description. The campaign is called "StopSuicideStopDeath" so please go donate it would mean so much to me and everyone else in the campaign but it would mean the most to Dan and Phil. I love you guys and I will see you In my next video"

Ricky's P.O.V (BTW just so you're not confused in this part there's Ricky, Trevor, Connor, kian, just so you don't get confused)

I'm currently looking at the floor as Trevor turns the camera on and I look up "hey guys so it's Ricky here an today it's a different type of video because I have something important to talk to you about but before that I want to introduce my friends. Connor, Trevor, Kian,?"

Suddenly all of them jump into shot so every one can see them all

"Hey everyone" Trevor says waving to the camera

"Ok so we're all here today to talk about our new campaign, if you don't know about our new campaign then you should go watch Connors video, or Shane's, or pewdiepies, ether one of them will give you information. But our new campaign is called "StopSuicideStopDeath" and you might be asking why are we making a campaign and raising money? I say looking at the camera "Well if for some reason you haven't heard yet Dan and Phil past away." Connor said, I could tell he was trying so hard to hold back a tear. "Phil past away from natural causes and then Dan killed himself on the day of Phil's funeral. So we thought we should make a campaign in memory of Dan and Phil because they where such great friendly kind and funny people." Kian whispered but loud enough for the viewers to hear. "Yes so there will be a link in the description if you want to go and donate some money to help other people who where going through what Dan and Phil where going through. Also it will be in my YouTube, twitter, snapchat, facebook, and Instagram bio and It will also be in all of theirs." I say pointing to everyone else "so yeah please go donate and also Dan and Phil's channels will bee in the description as well that's all I have to say do you guys wanna say anything?" I ask everyone else looking back at them "Yes Dan and Phil are AMAZING people and they are my favourite YouTube's (no offence to you guys) " Trevor says wiping a tear away from his cheek. I see Connor pat his back. "Just Please go donate even $1 could save someone's life so please go help" kian says pointing down to the description " yes so please go donate it would me so much.ok.Guys.See.You.Later.

Tyler's P.O.V

"Hey guys it's Tyler here and if you don't know who I am then where have you been no but I'm Tyler also known as Tyler Oakley from my YouTube channel and yes I'm not on my YouTube channel right now but I am hello everyone and welcome to." Suddenly I see everyone else pop up behind me and say this with me "the StopSuicideStopDeath channel" we all yelled "yes you heard us all right the StopSuicideStopDeath channel this channel will be all of ours" I say while pointing to everyone "on this channel we will be doing challenges to raise money and vlogs on our campaign and all sorts of stuff like that" I say while Trevor Jc and kian mess around in the background "so that's all we wanted to tell you for now so does anyone else have anything to say?" I ask "YES! SUBSCRIBE, to this channel and all of our channels" Trevor yells from behind Tyler "yes all of our channels will be n the description. So with that said we will see you in the next video BYEEE"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2016 ⏰

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