Chapter 19: Goodbye Freedom

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As I woke up I noticed I wasn't in my room. My body was tied down, I was on a wall naked," What the hell?" I said aloud. Looking around I only saw a door with a lock....... Great.

The door opened Yio walked in," Hi my love."

"Yio, the fuck!?" I said as I tried to hide my manhood, but my arms couldn't reach.

"Do you mean, Yio, wanna fuck?" Yio said as she kissed my chest. "If you mean that, then yes." She began to make her way to your dick.

"HEY!! What happened!?" She stopped," What do you mean?"

"How the hell did I get here!? And where are the others!?" I asked before she looked down at the floor.

"Sadly, we are going to share you. You are now our Master...." She said looking back up at you with lust.

"S-So like a Harem?"

"Yes, but you can't leave or see anyone again..." She said with a cheerful tune.

"But that's called kidnapping. And Nate, the maid, Mr.F, an my uncle will check up on..AH!!" I yelled in pain she stabbed a small blade into my leg.

"What the fuck!?" I felt almost tired the room slowly was turning black.

"Well we need our Master ready for us. So I injected you with some "bedroom" medicine so now you can stand for hours on end." She said.

"God...... Damn........ It......." I passed out. How did it come to this!? Fuck, Fuck, Fuck, Fuck?!

Time Skip: Hours Later....

I felt my head ache, opening my eyes I could see that I was in a bedroom tried to a bed still missing my cloths," Oh god damnit..." Looking around I couldn't think of what happened, all I did was sleep. A door opened it was Kelly.

"Yay!! Master is awake!" As soon as she said that the other girls walked in.

"What hell, let me go!" I yelled trying to move my body.

"Well, the thing is Jay, we love you and we will share you. So you know are married to seven sexy girls. How does it feel?" Rose replied.

"It feels like I'm going to be your guys sex toy." I replied.

"Yep..." The all moved to the bed. FUCK!!!

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