Just Keep Swimming

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The group returned to the encampment where Jori En told of another planeswalker who was most likely near the ocean of Zendikar. "She has been busy on a plane where she has angered Thassa, the God of the Sea," Jori told them. "This walker angered one of the gods of Theros?" asked Gideon. "Sounds like my kinda partay!" Chandra exclaimed with her overly happy voice. "She was looking for the leviathans that lived within Theros' oceans. I know her because she is a native to Zendikar. She has come to meet with me before, asking which plane would have the most powerful krakens. Being a merfolk, she believed she could harness the power of the monsters in the sea and defeat the Eldrazi that were ravaging her home plane." Jace intervened. "A merfolk planeswalker? Could you possibly be talking of the Crashing Wave Kiora?" "Yes, in fact I am." Nissa wondered aloud, "Why is she called the Crashing Wave?" Jori let Jace answer. "When Kiora went to Theros, and I am going off of stories I have heard back in Ravnica, she summoned a monstrous wave to let the leviathans know of her presence. The wave apparently caused damage to the city of Meletis, not far from the wave's central point. The Tritons, the merfolk tribe of Theros, were also alerted of the walker's presence and thought she was the embodiment of the Sea God, Thassa. Is that correct, Jori?" "Indeed it is. Because of the Tritons' misconception of Kiora, Thassa was angered due to Kiora embracing the false title." 

Jori continued, "The wave was massive, at least a hundred meters in height

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Jori continued, "The wave was massive, at least a hundred meters in height. When it hit the shores of Meletis, much of the city was flooded and ruined. I believe that Kiora has returned to Zendikar with sea monsters from Theros in order to try and stop the Eldrazi. It would be in your best interest to find and team up with her." With that, the four planeswalkers exited the tent and set forth on a search mission for a merfolk.

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Hidden within a grove of trees, Ob watched as the Spawn skittered around, leaving behind crystalline structures in its wake. Ob had figured out how to awaken the frozen Spawn and Scions of Kozilek, but only for a short time. Until he could figure out how to bring the titan back, Ob would study the smaller broodlings. After watching for only a few minutes, the Spawn suddenly shriveled up, and disintegrated. "Blasted!" Ob was angry. As is, he only had enough power to wake the smaller beings, and they died within minutes. He needed to find someone-- something-- to help him learn how to free the titan from its prison. "Soon," he said. "So very soon." With this, he set out to find an old friend. 

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