♥ Chapter Two ♥ [Picture of Symone]

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"Oh my God, Roxanne, hurry up!" Symone called, jumping up and down, her curly hair bouncing on her shoulders. She wore a oversized t-shirt and paired it with black leggings and white Doc Martens. I walked over to her, sighing. "Slow, much?"

"Whatever. What's up?"


Confused, I cocked my head to the side and stared at her. "What?"

She gripped my by my shoulders and spun me around. Down the hall, leaning agaisnt the lockers, is the sexiest nigga alive. I'm not even joking right now. Nigga is fucking sexy. He's light skin with dark curly hair on his head. I could see that his ear is pierced as well as his eyebrow. His arms were crossed over his muscular chest and he lazily spoke with some guy on the football team. I think his name was Danny.

I quickly turned to face Symone. "Wait. That's him? That's Anthony, the new guy? He's the gang member?"

Symone nodded, eyes wide. "Yup! Told you nigga was sexy. Shit, I'd love to just--"

"Symone," I cut her off, shaking my head slightly. "Stop being a freak."

"You love it." She shrugged.

I turned back to face Anthony. Wow. Nigga was gorgeous. Not even cute. He's gorgeous. I couldn't look away from him. I watched his muscles flex as he pushed himself away from the locker and patted Danny on his back. Then he turned and started walking towards my direction. His jeans hung dangerously low on his waist. I bit my lip as I watched him get closer.

Symone kept gasping and muttering incoherent things. I swear, this bitch was psychotic. Anthony's eyes landed on me. I sucked in a  sharp breath as we stared at each other. His eyes were so beautiful. He gave me a small smile and then brushed right past me. I let out a breath as I watched him round the corner.

"Oh my fucking gosh, you lucky bitch! He fucking smiled at you. His teeth are so white and perfect! I need to ask him what dentist he goes to. I mean, my teeth are white, but his fucking sparkle."

Leave it to Symone to rant about someones teeth. I shook my head and turned to face my locker and began unloading books into it. I grabbed my chemistry book and started walking to class, Symone by my side. Symone was my best firned of all time. She was my main bitch, my forever bitch, my lifeline, my heart beat, my o.e, my everything. I know for a fact I could trust her over anyone and everyone.

When I met Symone, it was in the first year of high school. I was the shy one while she was outgoing and wild. We shared mutual crushes and then clicked. RIght away. We are so much alike and so different a the same time. Symone is the real deal. She don't play with no bull shit. Same for me. 

I don't fuck with no fake bitches. I hate drama, but if some bitch stepped up to me on some next level shit, I wasn't going to back down like some type of pussy. A few months ago, Sherry Shermaine, the school thot, stepped up to my face claiming I was fucking her boyfriend. Fuck I want her boyfrined for? Symone backed me up. Sherry tried to hit me, but I wasn't having that shit. I came out of that fight with a busted lip and bloody nose. She wasn't so lucky. It was two on one, afterall. Me and Symone are close, though. Practically sisters.

"He's cute, okay?" Lie. He is not just 'cute'. "He's probably just like all the other niggas in this school. A cheating, dumb, bitch ass punk." True.

"What is you trippin' for, Rocks?" Symone grunted, walking into the classroom behind me. "I mean, you don't even know him."

I gave her a look. "Neither do you."

SHe rolled her eyes and walked to her seat. I made my way to mine and sat down next to Max. Max is this football player Symone's been sweating. She really likes him. But for the last year, he's been with Lonnie. Lonnie and me weren't friends, but we didn't have no beef. I mean, we barley talk, but she seems pretty cool, I guess. Max was cute though. He had brown hair and bright green eyes. He was well built, and one of the best players on the team. I can understand why Symone likes him. Me and Max are cool. He's like a brother to me. We use to hang out all the time. This was before Lonnie. ANyway, he's really cool and sweet.

"Hey, Max," I smile. 

"Hey, ma, what's good?" Max smiles back, flashing his white teeth. 

"Nothing, really," I answered, running my fingers through my hair. "I just wanted to see if you were okay. I heard you and Lonnie broke up."

Max sighed. "Yeah. She's moving to Chicago. Long distance doesn't work. I don't even want to try it." Max sadly shook his head. "I'm fine, though."

I cocked my head to the side. "You sure? I mean you guys did date for, like, over a year."

Max nodded. "Yeah, we did. But it's best if we end it now then to go and try long distance and then lose contact altogether. I really liked her, Roxanne, but I guess this is how it has to be."

I suddenly felt bad. Was Symone and I being selfish? Here he is, secretly broken hearted and upset that his girlfriend is moving. I shouldn't go and try to immeditely get him a new girlfriend. He needs time to cope or some shit like that.

"Right. Well, maybe we can hang out? I've been craving ice cream."

He cracks a smile. "Alright."

After class ended, I had history and then English Lit and then p.e. FInally, we had lunch. I sat at my lunch table, a pizza slice in my hand. Max sat across from me, eating fries while Symone was happily munching on her granny smith apple. She wasn't some type of health freak or anything. Far from it, actually. She loved food. All types of food. She just hated school lunch. I, on the other hand, didn't mind school pizza. It had cheese in the crust.

After a few minutes of idle chit-chat, Max smiled.

"Ayo, Anthony! C'mere!"

I swear, every head turned to first face Max and then Anythong. Unfazed by any of this, he strolled towards us.

"You know Anthony?" I questioned, slightly suprised. :How?"

"We had class together."

Anthony finally reached us and plopped down next to Max. "Hey man," Anthony smiled. He then turned to look at me and Symone, the smile never falling off his face. "Hello, I'm Anthony."

Symone, slightly flusterd, giggled. I kicked her. "H-hey, I'm Symone."

Anthony's eyes fell on me. It reminded me of when we first saw each other. From up close, I could see just how cute he really was. He had a slight dimple which loked really cute on him. I opened my mouth and closed it, unsure of what to say. I then felt a poke in my side and I slightly jumped.

I glared at Symone who merely winked. I then turned to face an amused looking Anthony. "I'm Roxanne."

"Roxanne," He says slowly, as if testing it out. I loved the way he said my name. His voice was deep, but not in a gross old man type of way. It was sexy. "Can I call you you Roxie?"

"Sure," I muttered, blushing. "So you're new. Where'd you move here from?"

"New Jersey, actually." He replied smoothly.


Symone then began to ask him questions. I couldn't stop staring at him. After a few minutes, I heard Symone say, "My friend here is sweating you."

I froze. "I'm wha--"

"Oh, really?" Anthony leaned forward. "I shouldn't be suprised. I mean, look at me."

Believe me, I am. No nigga. Fuck you think this is? Fuck do you think you are? "You're not all that," I mutter, shaking my head at his cockiness. "I've seen better."

"Roxanne!" Symone muttered, quietly. "What are you doing?"

"You sure about that, sweetheart? Cause' I noticed you can't look anywhere else but at me." His eyes never broke contact with mine. 

"Yes. Your cockiness and concieded personality seems to faze me. Look, nigga, I don't know what the fuck you think this shit is, but keep yaself in check, cool?"

Anthony raised his hands in mock surrender. "Yes, ma'am."

"Good."  I stood up and walked away.

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