♥ Chapter Twenty ♥

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I couldn't focus. All I could think about is what Anthony told me. I stayed hidden from sight as I walked to their meeting location at the Warehouse. The door was slightly ajar and I slipped inside.

"You're early." Said a female voice.

I wasn't sure of where it came from. It was so dark.

"U-uh, no. I'm not Vincent," I stutter. I walked in a slow steady pace. "Can you...turn on the lights, please?"

"Who are you?"

"I was going to ask you the same thing. I'm a friend of Anthony's."

The lights turned on. The girl stood a few feet away, staring at me with electric blue eyes. Her dark brown hair fell down over her shoulders. She was gorgeous. And she had a gun in her hand, aimed directly at me. I took a step back, raising my hands up. She looked serious. Something told me she's very good with using a gun.

"Wait! Im not looking for any trouble. Just answers. Can you help me?"

She slowlt began to lower the gun. "What type of answers?"

"How do you know Vincent? Or Anthony? Who are you?" I groaned and dropped my hands.

Her hands shot back up, and the gun was aimed at my head. "My name is Alexandra. Yours?"

"Roxanne. You can call me Roxie."

The gun was making me very uncomfortable.

"Okay...Roxie. I know Vincent because he tried to kill me. Or...he did, I guess."

I cocked my head to the side. Am I going crazy? "But you're...not dead."

"Well, no. Not to you or him."

"So, what you, like, faked your death or something?"

She raised an eyebrow. "Something like that."

"Fine. Forget that for a second. How do you know Anthony?"

Her hands dropped at my mentioning his name. The gun was now pointed towards the floor. She stared at me and then took a step closer.

"How is he?"

"He's fine, I guess. How do you know him?" I questioned, getting irritated.

Alex sighed and checked her watch. "6:55. You need to go."

"But you didn't answer my question!"

"If Vincent sees you here, Anthony is dead. Go!"

"Can I stay? Ill hide. Ill stay quiet. Please?"

She hesitated.

"I need to know whats going on. My life--and possibly Anthony's--might depend on it."

Alex sighed. "Behind you. Theres a vent. Get inside, close it back. Stay out of sight and stay quiet."

I turned and ran towards it. I opened it. I climbed up onto a broken down chair and quickly lifted myself into the vent and then quietly locked the vent 'door' back in place. Since it was sort if dark, chances are, they wont see me. I can still see and hear them, though. Then the lights shut off.

Two minutes later, the warehouse door opened. I could make out two figures.

"What are we doing here?" It was Anthony.


They moved further in, and I strained to see them. I made no sounds.


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