❤️ Chapter Twenty-One ❤️

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I didn't get far. I felt someone's arms wrap around my waist and pull me back. I tried to push whoever it was off of me, but to no avail. It was useless, trying to fight. I looked up and saw that VIncent was staring down at me, a smirk on his face. I curled my lip in disgust and mutered a very inappropriate word under my breath.

"Hey! The c-word is not a nice word!" VIncent joked, effortlessly dragging me back to the warehouse.

"Would you rather I find a large stick and--"

"No," he cut me off.

He slowly removed his arms around my waist but quickly grabed my hand before I could take off running again. He led me back into the warehouse where Anthony and Alex were. When we walked inside, Anthony quickly walked over. "Roxie, please just--"

"We don't have time for that," VIncnt cut him off, rolling his eyes. "Roxanne here has a job to do. And since she's running late, I think she better get moving. We'll drive you."

"I said I'm not--"

"You don't have much of a choice."

I looked to the ground. "FIne. But I want to make a deal."

"This isn't a negociation, Roxie."

"No. If I'm going to do this, we'll do it on my terms." I looked around at everyone. VIncent, who looked impatient, Alex who looked bored but slightly interested, and Anthony who just looked guilty. "If I do this, that's it."

I turn to face VIncent. "I no longer have to play the role of being your girlfriend. You never have contact with me again. Do not walk on the same side of the street as me. DOn't even breath the same air as me. Stay the hell away from me..."

"FIne--" VIncent began.

"And Symone." I finished.

He shook his head. "No deal."

"Then I won't do it."

"You'll do it if I say you'll do it. I'll agree to leave you alone, but I'm not going to stay away from Symone. And if you do anything stupid to mess this up, I promise you'll regret it."

I sighed and then turned to face Anthony. "I'm going to kill Consence tonight. Not for Vince, not for Alex, and not for you. I'm doing it for me. Because once he's dead, I want you to lose all contact with me. Including my phone number. Forget you ever even knew me. I never want to see you again after this. I knew from the beginning that it'd be best if I stayed away from you, but I didn't listen to myself becaue I thought you just might be different. But your not. So stay away from me."

I looked at Alex and gave her a small smile. "Thank you. Be careful, okay?"

She gave me a slight nod.

Anthony shook his head and grabbed my hand.


"I gotta go."

I pulled my arm out of his grasp and walked out, Vincent right behind me. It's time I kill Consence.

Vincent hands me a bag of coke. "Remember to give that to him. And this," he hands me a small pill bottle with powder inside, "is flunitrazepan."

"What the hell am I supposed to do with this..flun-whatever?"

"Slip it in his drink. It can take up to 30 minutes to work. 10 minutes at least. So keep him busy, and keep him drinking." Vincent looks me over. "You think he's gonna check you?"

I shrug. "Probably."

"Put it somewhere he won't. Your bra, your underwear, I don't care. Just don't get caught or you're dead and the plan's blown."

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