Liam Dunbar Imagine: Hanging Around

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To say you and Liam liked each other was an understatement. You loved one another, you just didn't know it yet. The Pack on the other hand, well, they could tell there was something, some friendly tension, maybe. They made a plan to get you two together and talk it out. The original plan was to get you two to watch a movie with everybody, then they all would leave one or a few at a time, until you two were the only ones left. They wanted it to be at your house, so no dangers would find you two at his. And the plan worked perfectly to their desire.

* * * * *

"So ... " You finally spoke, trying to break the deafening silence.

"So ... " Liam repeated your words, not really knowing what to say. The Pack left a little while ago, leaving you two alone in question. They never left you alone with Liam, what with his I.E.D and all. Scott left with Kira, Stiles with Lydia and Malia - which surprised you all - Derek went with Parrish, them going to find some more information at the station about the current murders happening around Beacon Hills. "Now what?"

You shrugged. "I don't know." Star Wars II was still playing on the TV, it was heading towards the ending, so you decided to start picking up. You went into the kitchen to get a trash bag and some cleaning wipes. Liam got up and followed you, wanting to help. When you turned around to see him standing in the doorway, you smiled. "Want to help me clean up?" You asked. He nodded, sending you his own smile in return. You handed him the cleaning wipes, "Clean the coffee table, please."

"Of course," he complied, turning and walking back to the living room. you sighed and began your own descent in to the living room, and began to clean up the soda can mess as well as the snack mess. Popcorn littered the floor, and candy was stuffed into the couches. You were going to need the vacuum as well.

After cleaning up the big chunks on the floor and putting them in the trash bag, you brought out the vacuum from the hall closet. Liam had successfully cleaned the coffee table and was now sitting on your kitchen counter. He watched you plug in the cord to the vacuum into the wall, and turn it on. The vacuum roared to life with a purr, and you began to clean once again.

*One hour later*

Liam still hadn't left your house, even after you both had finished cleaning, and made dinner. Macaroni and cheese was the only thing you could find in the cabinets, so you made enough for the both of you. Dinner was long and awkward, neither of you knew what to say, but you had a feeling he wanted to talk.

By little glances and the constant opening of the mouth then closing, you knew something was up. And you wanted to know what it was.

"Liam." You said, putting down your fork.

He looked up at you, his mouth full of Mac & Cheese, "Yeth?"

You giggled. "What's up?"

He looked confused for a second, "Uh, the ceiling ... ?"

You stared blankly at him. "No, I mean what's up with you? You seem ... off."

He swallowed his mouth full of food and nervously said, "I don't know what you mean."

"I think you do. I know something's up. What's the matter?"

He fidgeted. How was he going to tell you? How was he going to tell you that he loved you? That he didn't know what he would do without you?

"I think you just did." You smirked. Liam froze. Did he say that out loud?

"Oh crap." He buried his face in his hands. Small hands made their way into his and he looked up.

"There's nothing to be embarrassed about. I love you too." You admitted, smiling.

Liam seemed shocked, "Really?"

"Really." You said, kissing him on the lips.

This is one of my imagines from tumblr. It's a work in progress, but I'm getting the hang of it.

You can find me in the external link :)

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