Chapter 2: Unclear Concious

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Chapter 2: Unclear Conscious
Kayden Steele

"Why'd you reject mate?" My wolf Raile said. I could tell he was upset but I'm not having a guy as a mate. I'm not even gay. Why couldn't I just get a female as a mate? Whats even worse is he's just an omega, he is weak and a fag.

"Stop thinking bad about mate." I scoffed and blocked him out. I don't want to hear it. My wolf is gay, hah. That's just fucking fantastic. He growled in the back of my mind but I ignored that too.

The route to the pack house is pretty uneventful since we usually clear it out from animals and shit.

I made it to the pack house and saw my girlfriend sitting on the porch steps. She didn't seem to notice me when I got closer to her which made me feel a bit nervous.

She finally looked up and she had a grim look on her face. Did I do something wrong? "Hey, Kayden. Didn't notice you came back from school so early." She said with a smile.

"I just decided to skip since it since it was boring." I said, hoping she didn't see through my lie.

"Well, I heard a rumor that you found your mate, yeah? And you can't lie to me." She said this with a serious look. It looks like I'm not getting out of this one.

"I did. But I'll only love you! I rejected him just for you, Penny." I rushed the end of my sentence because she was starting to look mad. However, she smiled when I managed to get the sentence through.

"Good, your mine and I'm your's. Nothing will come between us." She said, opening the door. My wolf stayed extremely quiet which kinda worried me.

I walked up to her and kissed her. I was hoping to feel the sparks and the flame ignite but nothing happened. It actually felt repulsive.

I would've vomited in her mouth if I didn't feel sparks erput on my backside. It was weak, but still there. So I quickly turned around and met eyes with his suddenly vibrant grey ones. They were practically glowing and it was kinda hot how it fit with his small stature. And how his.. STOP.

My wolf is probably feeding me with these thoughts and he definitely won't stop. Fuck him and fuck my life.

"What the fuck do you your're doing faggot." I managed to say, trying hard to not let my wolf take control. He was growling and clawing at the back of my mind.

"I'm getting through the door, loser." He said with a snide voice. I also noticed that it sounded deeper, and kinda hotter... STOP. Goddamn wolf. He was snickering at the back of my head.

I was getting highly irritated by now and just swung a fist at him which he dodged almost instantly. He then ran past me then up the stairs to his room. He wasn't just going to leave like this without a scratch.

"Fucking come back here you piece of shit!" I started up the stairs when he took the vase I payed 1k for and threw it at me. The little shit threw a vase at me. The ceramics hurt like a bitch. I was started to get mad, I'll fucking break his bones.

"Eat shit you fucker!" That was the last straw. He can't just disrespect his alpha like that it makes me furious. "I think mate mad is sexy." I blocked him out and started running after him.

I was getting tired of playing cat and mouse so I did the next plausible thing and that was to use my alpha tone with him.

"YOU WILL COME BACK HERE RIGHT NOW!" He turned around, grinned, and ran up the last set of stairs to his room. He just fucking ignored me like I was some soggy french fry.

"You stupid. Wolf in control. Not gonna work." Raile said. "What do you mean it's his wolf in control?" He laid down in my mind and started again.

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