Chapter 3: A Plan Of Chance

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Chapter 3: A Plan Of Chance
Klynn Blaire
That song is stuck in my head. Helpp.

I woke up on my bed and I immediately looked at my alarm clock. I passed out for like 2 hours. Not bad if I say so myself.

"Thanks Fahren, what would I do without you." I could hear him stirring in my mind.

"Go away, I'm fucking exhausted because of you. I deserve some sleep." I could no longer hear him as he drifted of to sleep.

I chuckled and walked to the door.

Should I leave? I mean I'm kinda famished so maybe eating something wouldn't hurt.

I walked down the two sets of stairs to the kitchen not before scanning the area for any of the pack house residents.

I searched the cuboards and pantry for some snacks and found some cereal. Well late night cereal hasn't killed anyone has it? Maybe if they choked on it or something.

I grabbed the milk and started eating my late night meal. Since I left the school early there arent any teenagers around and thr older people are working and shit, or patroling.

I was halfway done when I heard a snarl and a thud sound coming from one of the offices. Can't really pin point it because the door is most likely closed.

Since in horror movies they always investigate the scary sound it sounds like a good idea now. I started for the hallway that leads to the beta's and alpha's office and stop near the beta Quinn's office. I put my ear to the door because why not. Even though I can hear it from here since I'm werewolf it's fun to be like a spy.

"Kayden. Or uh, Raile, listen your mate isn't in the dungeons." I heard a snarl and another thud.

Should I intervene? I could feel the alpha pheromones emitting out of the door which is a bad sign.

I reached for the door handle and the door flew opened revealing a beat up beta on the floor and an angry alpha right in front of me.

My eyes widened and before I could run he grabbed my arm and put his face in the nook of my neck and took a huge ass whiff in which I responded with a shiver. I could feel the sparks ignite between our bodies. I practically melted in his touch.

"Mate. Safe. Stupid beta." He was saying in an even deeper voice which I presumed was his wolf's. Well it's good when it lasts am I right?

"Uh, can you um, get off of me before Kayden gains control again and roundhouse kicks me out the window or some shit." He slowly let me go and gave me a pout. Fuck that's super cute.

"I am sorry for bad human. I love you even if human don't love you." I gave him a small smile and his dark green eyes turned back to their normal color of a lighter shade. He blinked a few times before giving me a scowl.

"What are you doing here faggo--." Quinn came out of no where and quickly covered his mouth just to push him out of the way right after. "I needed to have a word with the omega before you rudely interupted."

"But I don't even know whats going--." His voice trailed off when they made it into the alpha's sleeping quarters.

So do I just stay here or..? Nah, I got some soggy cereal I have to finish.

I did my morning routine after I got out of bed and went down the multiple set of stairs. Today is Friday which means more pack chores, great.

If I can't make it down a set of stairs without running out of breath I am seriously out of shape. However, werewolf metabolism makes me hella fucking skinny even though all I do is eat a lot of food.

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