Chapter 7: Lone Wolf

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Chapter 7: Lone Wolf
Klynn Blaire

I've been walking around for days. Maybe even weeks and I can't find the city. I lost all track of time and now I'm lost. What's even better is that it's extremely dark outside.

Where is this place anyways? It's in the middle of nowhere! There's a road leading to god knows where and the forest is way to scary to go in.

"Fahren I'm scared. I wish you could be out here with me." I said looking around for anything suspicious.

"We should've bought that flashlight. What'd I tell you?" I want to go back and buy it but it's way to far away now. The little convenience store a few miles back sold a ton of things that would've helped me on my trip. But the store had way to many suspicious looking people in it so I passed.

"Do you have enough energy to run in wolf form? I mean, don't push yourself but I would see better." I said squinting at the darkness.

"Sorry, but since you kept me up for the whole time we were searching for the city I'm just as tired as you." He said, doing a wolfish yawn. It was super cute, but he just scowled at me.

"I don't like being left alone so I kept you awake. What if you don't come back? I know I'm being selfish for making you stay awake and I'm sorry for that." I rely on Fahren too much. If I don't have him then I'm practically useless.

"Don't say that or think that Klynn. I'm strong, we're both strong. I'm not gonna die until I put up a fight. And it hasn't even started." He gave me a wolfish grin and I couldn't help but smile with him. Now only if I had just as much confidence as my wolf.

"What would've happened if Kayden didn't reject us? We definitely wouldn't be out here that's for sure. I mean I guess what happened was inevitable." I sighed, "Being loved is over rated anyways, right? I mean everything just isn't swell and happy for us." I looked up at the moon and gave it a bird. The moon goddess screwed me over like always.

"We shouldn't dwell on the past. What happened, happened. I wish he didn't reject us but I guess not everybody can be happy. At least we can use the term lone wolf now, it makes us sound cool." I laughed and shook my head. Still full of jokes I see.

"I'm gonna shift but I'll try my hardest to not drain all of your energy. I just need a place to sleep and me being in human form isn't recommended." I took of my clothes and shifted into our wolf. I started trotting towards the woods when I got accustomed to 4 little paws.

I found a good to spot to lay down at and went to sleep. I hope nothing eats us while we're sleeping.

I woke up from our slumber and stretched. I guess this is the best sleep I'll ever get if I were to be in a forest. Maybe if this wolf pack wasn't isolated from urban areas this would go better. There's only shanty towns around here.

I shifted back to my human form and threw on random clothes. No need to look good since I haven't seen any type of organism around here. Which is bad for me since I can't hunt for food if there is none.

Fahren is definitely sleeping so I have to rely on instinct now. We asked someone where the direction of the city was and since I don't know any city names around here it had to be a broad question. They pointed in this direction, I knew it wasn't gonna be a right way to go but I need somewhere to start out.

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