Finale: A Reject's End

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A/N: If you read the last authors note then you would understand why I'm abruptly ending the story. I'm sorry if this doesn't explain everything, or close every loose end. Thank you for your comments and support, but this seems to be the end of the Klynn and Kayden. I honestly don't remember their personalities or what even happened in the story because its been so long. I have a big announcement to make at the end about this story so stay tuned if you want to know what it is. I hope you guys understand why I ended the story so abruptly, but there's good news at the end.

Finale: A Reject's End
Klynn Blaire
3 months later.


The sun was high and mighty in the sky, and the birds seemed to chirp in happiness. It feels somewhat morbid now that it's been three months since the whole escapade with her. 

In the end however, Kayden managed to foil her plans by attacking her head on. Shortly after, a full war broke on and it was just utter chaos. The war lasted for a day before she realized her ragtag team of inexperienced warriors wasn't enough for the high and mighty pack of Riley's.

She retreated back to her sanctuary which was mostly just consisted of broken stones and wood wedged into the ground. At least that's how Kayden described the place, but I'm sure he just exaggerated.

What happened next, I don't really know myself. Kayden told me they ended her there, sparing any important details that would help explain such a vague answer.

Something tells me that more happened there, but I chose not to push it since he doesn't like talking about how he let me get kidnapped. I didn't really mind and I accepted his apology, yet he still can't seem to let it go.

It was out of his control from the beginning. He just can't seem to understand that.

A hand slowly touched my shoulder causing me to look up.

"Hey, you okay?" Kayden asked.

"Sure. Just reminiscing on the past." I responded.

He frowned a little, but smiled nevertheless.

"You ready to go yet? Since you've been sitting there in the grass for a hour I decided to get everything ready." He said.

I nodded, and took his hand.

We both stood there just staring out into the distance.

After the war, Kayden found where she kept me. Just thinking about her name draws negativity to my thoughts which makes me mad.

Once Kayden found me he hugged me tight, and as much as I wanted to push him away I didn't because I was secretly was glad he found me. 

After I regained my strength we went back to his pack to only find that everyone disappeared. Quinn, his parents, my parents, everyone just vanished. There was no signs of any place they could have went except a letter that said:


Goodbye, Kayden. Vann Ciel pays his respect.

I'm sorry for leaving without you. We'll meet again, I know we will.



I didn't understand what it meant and neither did Kayden. I honestly expected him to succumb to a fit of rage, but instead he sighed a breath of relief and told me that they were all safer with another person then with him.

I questioned him about this person and he of course refused to. He just kept repeating that they would be okay.

If I was an asshole I would force him to tell me, but anyone with a brain would know that would be messed up so I said whatever and the conversation ended there.

We still didn't know where exactly where they were or if they were really safe. Kayden said he could feel their presence still which is always a good sign.

After the disappointment of being left behind without the pack we both decided to live in the city like I always wanted to. Even if we wanted to be in a pack Kayden was an alpha by blood and no pack wants another alpha unless they had no successors.

"Hello? Earth to Klynn. I've been yelling your name for the past 10 minutes." Kayden said with a slightly scared tone.

"Have you changed your mind about going to the city? We could always think of doing something different." He murmured.

I quickly say no, while letting out a chuckle to lighten up the mood.

"I say let's get out of here. It's bringing back to many bad memories of... you know." I said.

He instantly got the message and nodded.

"You got all your stuff?" He asked.

"Of course I do." I laughed. 

"Awesome. Let's leave shall we?" He squeezed my hand tightly. "Let's start over?"

"Yep, let's start over."

After that we found a small, but quaint home. We both first finished our last year of school together and found a job at a diner. Since we had no time to build our career skills up it was the best job we could get. I soon found a better paying job at a cafe, while Kayden moved up the ranks in the diner.

I finally forgave him and I allowed him to mark me. Let's just say I lost my virginity that day and that was probably the peak of my life, considering my life sucked until I started appreciating my mate.

We were living the perfect life.

After about seven years we decided to adopt a young werewolf that was abandoned by his parents. Since his parent's were unknown, we named him Kieran.

He was only a few years young at the time, but as he grew older he somewhat resembled his father's younger years.

A mischief maker. I just hope he doesn't become the asshole that his father was when we were still 18.

But as he grew older it seemed that it was the path he was destined for. He hated Kayden and I, saying that he shouldn't have two fathers. We tried to shower him with affection and nurture him like he was our own.

But when that didn't work my last resort was to send him to an academy, one that strikes a resemblance to a name that I remember reading about somewhere, but I just couldn't remember who it was.

It broke my heart sending him away at the age of fifteen, however he would break mine quite literally if we didn't. He was unnaturally homophobic, and rude to anyone who shared different views on such matters. 

Where people of all differences can combine to create one sociably accepting community.

They called it The Vannhiel Academy.


A/N: So this is a compromise I made with myself. I would continue some aspects of this story, but in a whole new other story. I would use references from this story and put it into my other one. The new story I'm writing is about a whole new character, but you will see characters from this one make an appearance in the new story. Which is gonna be called The Vannhiel Academy. Klynn and Kayden's son will be a huge part of the new story. All I can say is that Kieran will definitely be a protagonist, but the story wont start off with him. I know that I rushed this chapter but it literally took me like 4 months just to write 1000 words which is pitiful.

That aside I'm sorry if I got things mixed up or seemed to change the characters a bit. I don't remember how their personalities were and I know for sure that I toned down Klynn's "explosive" behavior of cursing a lot. I'm sorry for no fluff, but this was one of those stories where fluff doesn't really fit in. My next story will be fluff filled for sure... after a while. I can't expose any more details about it because that would be spoiling. My new story will come out after I actually PLAN it because we all know how that went when I didn't. (*cough cough* this story wasn't planned) 

If you want more details you can comment or private message me about the new story that will come out once I write 10 or so chapters.

So until next time?

Not edited ~

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