Chapter 4: New Acquaintances

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Chapter 4: New Acquaintances
Klynn Blaire (Fahren)

Damn him! Who told him to overdose the antidote? It wouldn't be a problem if he just read the fucking directions. It's on the back of it.

Now he has to find a way to shit out the excess antidote or something. I mean he is in his own mind so none of this makes sense to me. Fuck my generation of wolves.

I need to calm down. Excessive cursing gets you no where. Nah. Cursing is fun. He'll find a way, I mean I can do it naturally because I was made to do this. But a human? I mean, I guess my kind never did anything that made sense.

I have this bloody hole in my stomach and this gruesome claw mark on my left arm. Suffering in Klynn's mind is just as bad as this. I couldn't close the damn wounds because the oh so wonderul alpha rejected me making me weaken since I was the rejected and the one who does the rejecting gets less pain.

I tried getting up but my left arm was mauled and my right arm is fucking broken. I definitely broke some ribs, my legs were battered, and my head is bleeding. I don't know what happened which was weird, everything was foggy.

I took a deep inhale and I thought I smelled a hint of wolfsbane on my neck, stomach and arm. There was also another scent on my neck but I don't know what it was.

Someone drugged us, but I dont think they would administer it through my stomach nor arm. What exactly happened? Plus the wound in my stomach is to big and the huge ass wound in my arm that doesn't look like a syringe mark. More like a claw mark.

I looked at the door which of course was closed and window-less. This is just fucking great. Everything is going to shit.

If I cant move then how do I fucking get out of here? My throat feels like someone shoved an asparagus down my esophagus. Well, I guess I'll wait for those janitors who clean in the afternoon.

The bell rang indicating the next period. I think around this time I go to Mr. Jarels class. I remembered the schedule the school gave Klynn and he has a watch which shows that now is the time for 2nd period. I guess no one noticed I was missing.

I think I can move my left arm. I tried lifting it but it stung like a bitch. "I'll suck you off in the janitors closet if you want. You look extremely stressed out." A private blowjob in the janitors office? Score! If they come in here then I just have to play dead so they don't suspect anything. I closed my eyes and went limp.

"I don't know. People are still walking around in the halls. They'll get suspicous of us and probably call us out." I could tell they were both guys. That's cool. Just fucking come in here and help me.

"Your're just paranoid! There's a person. And he is across the hallway, I just want give you a blowjob of love~." One of them said whining.

"Fine, but you better not slip up and say anything to anybody. Nobody knows we're mates so just keep your cute little mouth shut." I could hear him rattling the door knob and the door finally opening. I tried not to flinch when the one who suggested the blowjob screamed.


"You idiot." I could hear him mumble. "How about we get both of you to the nurses office?" He picked me up with one arm and his mate in his other and walked in the direction I assumed was the the nurses office.

He stopped walking and laid me on what seemed like a bed. "NURSE" He yellled causing me to wince. "Derek. I'm just behind the curtains. Don't yell in here." I heard a woman's voice, aging around the 40s.

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