Blood: PewDieCry

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A/N: WARNING: Blood and gore.

There was blood. So much blood. Felix wasn't sure if it all belonged to him. It was all over the walls, embedded in the carpet, even smeared all over his body. Felix inspected himself, but found no wounds beside the large gash on his face. The question of where he was and why there was so much blood still lingered in the air. The air that smelled like iron and a sickening rot.

Felix stood up, but found that his legs couldn't support him. He collapsed almost immediately. Blood was all over his hands. It was still warm and sticky. Felix gagged at the feeling. He attempted to wipe them off, but his pants were already smeared. His shirt was stained with a red hand print on his chest. That definitely wasn't either hand. His hands didn't have the angle to mark himself in that way. So then whose was it?

The room wasn't familiar. There wasn't any place Felix has been that looked like this. Where was he? He pushed himself off the ground, grimacing at the blood on his hands coming in to contact with the blood on the carpet, and this time he was able to stay standing. He glanced around the room once more. Nothing sparked any memories.

Felix followed the blood trail into another room. The rotting smell smacked into his nose as soon as he was at the doorway. He instinctively put his hand up to his nose, but then his nose was filled with the smell of iron. He withdrew his hand and felt a new layer on his face. Felix walked further into the room. This room was covered wall to wall in blood, more so than the previous one. He looked around and froze at a familiar sight. This area was something very familiar to him. He was just used to seeing someone in front of it. His eyes trailed to the swivel chair that had been toppled over, then up to the desk that held what was left of a computer. The monitor had blood splattered on it and the keyboard was laying as if someone had swiped it away. The mouse was hanging off the desk precariously.

This was Cry's room.

Felix stumbled back. Was this... Cry's blood? All of it? Felix felt like he was going to be sick. There was no way all of this was Cry's blood. There was so much. He couldn't lose this much blood and still be alive. Felix felt himself go cold. He couldn't lose this much blood and still be alive. "N-no," Felix muttered to himself. There was some mistake. Cry was alive. This was someone else's blood. It had to be.

The rotting smell. Felix had to find the source of it. The smell was strong in this room, but there was no body. It had to be somewhere close by. He spotted a door cracked open with a sickly red smeared over it. Felix tried to ignore the several hand and finger prints clawing at the wooden surface. He weakly walked over to it, mentally preparing himself, then pushed the door open. It creaked and Felix lost his stomach on the carpet.

There was a body laying on the tiled floor of the bathroom. Hand prints were scattered all over the room -- even shoe prints. The mirror was broken by some impact. In short, the whole room smelled like death. Felix didn't want to look at the body, but for some reason, he felt compelled to. He inched closer and moved it so he was able to see it better. Cry's clothes were soaked in his own blood. His face was unrecognizable, but Felix still knew. He stepped back -- almost slipping in blood -- and caught himself on the counter. He looked up at the mirror and froze in horror. There was blood in his hair and on his face as if someone was trying to push him away. Beyond his reflection and the cracked glass, there was red writing on the wall.

It was me.

A/N: This was an idea I had a looooong time ago. Like the beginning of freshman year, I think. But I was never able to write it. So now that it's more than a year later, I've found the words to create it. This is not something I'll update regularly. If I get writer's block on a main story or just come up with an idea, then I'll put it here. Let me know what you think :)

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