chapter 1

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I was 16 when my parents died
I was crushed they were the world to us. By us I mean me and Nate, my brother but shortly after their death we started high-school and instantly he and i became popular. Then my once beloved older brother became my worst enemy...
------------------------------------------------beep beep beep beep

"Dumbass alarm" I say finally turning it off.
I get up and shower quickly and start to get dressed in a pink sweater and jeans adding my favorite pink converses. I put on a little makeup to feel more confident still knowing I don't need it.
"HEY BELLA GET DOWN HERE LET'S GO" yelled Nate up the stairs.
I run downstairs trying not to trip and I grab my bag and car keys. Yes me and my brother go in separate cars he says he can't be seen with a nerd like me. I get in my Cadillac 2015 and start to drive. You see we are rich so I still have advantages you know like really rich. But anyway I finally arrived at school and on my way to my locker I walk past slut 1,2,and 3. Aka Skylar, Kelsey and Hannah. But get this they actually do that thing where girl one always wears pink,two wears blue and three wears purple but all the same outfit. I get to my locker and start the combo but I hear a high whiney voice behind me.
"What ignoring us now?" Says Skylar
"Haven't I always?" I say wondering where the newfound confidence is coming from.
"Don't talk back to us." She says
"Yeah" kelsey and Hannah say at the same time.
I turn around and slap the shit out of Skylar. Now all attention is on us.
"NATE" she screeched
"Yes love?" He says walking down the hall shortly after. For a second we make eye contact and I cringe knowing they are dating. Skylar is head cheerleader and slut. Her minions are second and third. They have always bullied me I never knew why though.
"Your dog slapped me" she says glaring
"Don't touch my girl." He says pushing my down so that I drop me books. I'm sick of it I've had enough I'm leaving it's for the better. I walk out of the school and to my car. I drive home and pack all of my stuff I have plenty of cash I'll be fine. I get the keys to my brothers favorite race car and load it. I drive to the airport and they help get my bags. I drive away and purposely crash into a tree and run knowing it would explode. I get back to the airport after hearing a satisfying explosion. It's funny how they will think I'm dead but I'll be just fine. They wouldn't miss me any way. Finally my flight is called. I board the plane in first class and start to drift off.

"Goodbye LA, Hello Italy."

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