A Plan and An Old Friend

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That was my mind... just blank

I didn't know who to go to. It was already 2pm and my best option was to call Blaire, but she'd probably tell me to pick chocolate again

So I call my best friend from back home.


She picks up on the first ring
"CARA!" I hold the phone away from my ears, because that's how loud she was. Typical Diana.

When she finally stops screaming, I talk to her about my whole situation.

"Cara, whoever you think is the best decision! That's who you go to hun!" she says impatiently

"It's not that simple, they're both great guys. I don't wanna hurt any one of them." I sigh

"How far away do u live from me?"

"From your house, like a 2-hour drive, why?"

"I'll be there."
And with that she hangs up the phone

After pacing around and making a pros and cons list in my head.
I get a buzz from Fredrick telling me a friend of mine named Diana was here to see me.

I jump up and head downstairs. I run towards her and grab her into a hug. It was really good to see her.
"Missed you too, C." she laughs

She stops laughing and stares behind me.


"Who's your friend?" Blake says

"Blake, this is Diana, my best friend from back home."

"So, your the famous Blake Vince." Diana smirks and raises an eyebrow at me, mouthing the word 'hot'. I don't know what came over me, but I started blushing intently

"She told you about me?" He chuckles

"Way too much."

I'm literally just standing there with my dumb smile, trying to stop looking like a cherry. Diana snaps me out of my embarrassment by grabbing my hands and taking me up the stairs.

"Nice meeting you Diana, and I'll see you later right Cara?" Blake says

"Mmhmm." I give him a fake smile and he smiles back.

We quickly rush into our rooms to avoid having anymore conversations with Blake.

"Okay, so where is each one of them taking you?" Diana says nervously

"Alec is taking me to a place called Berú Venue and Blake's taking me to Jinghai Steakhouse."

"How far away are they from each other?" she smirks

"Why would I need to know that?"

"Just search it up Cara." she smiles

"Okay, I will, after you wipe that stupid smile off your face, it's making me more nervous."

"Oh shutup, you will be happy with what I have planned." She smirks

I search it up on my phone
"It's a ten minute walk and 3-5 minutes in car, but what's does this have to do with the plan?"

She put on her devious planning smile

"Your gonna go to both dates and I'm gonna help you."

I blink at her blankly.

"ARE YOU CRAZY! How are we gonna pull that off?" I shout at her

"It's simple really. Your first gonna go to the Venue with Alec and excuse yourself for a couple of minutes. He'll think you went to the restroom, but you'll actually sneak from the back and I'll be waiting with my car to take you to the steakhouse with Blake. You'll be with him, until you have to excuse yourself. You just keep on switching until your done with both dates"

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