I'm sorry

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I'm sorry to those whose heart I've shattered

Sorry to those I left beaten and battered

Sorry to those who got left on the way

Sorry to those who I didn't see yesterday

I'm sorry for those whom are forgotten by me

I'm sorry for those who I used to tease

I'm sorry that I couldn't love you that way

I'm sorry that you can't longer be bae

I'm sorry for those I didn't appreciate

I'm sorry for those who have to medicate just to make it another day

I'm sorry to those without any family to help them through the storm that wrecks havoc to everything

I'm sorry that I didn't try hard enough to make you smile

I'm sorry that you lost your mind believing in all the lies

I'm sorry that society sucks

I'm sorry that not everyone has luck

I'm sorry that this is dragging on

I'm sorry that this is mighty boring

You know what nevermind I'm sorry for being sorry

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