Chapter: 2

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Day #1 at the Hellhole called school
Louis' ***POV***

Me and my best mates; Harry, Liam, Zayn, and Niall. Were in the hallway by the lockers. It was a typical lazy Monday, but something was different last Friday everyone was talking about this so-called-girl Jayda. I've wanted to ask around to see who she was. I've also noticed that everyone is whispering and murmuring lightly.-- I got outta my trance and joined the conversation with the lads again.

"BooBear!" Harry giggled, making me look up at him.

"You, okay? You look a little down." Harry continued, with the other lads nodding.

"It's Monday, I'm tired." I whined with a deep sigh

"Mate. I can tell you're lying, what's up?" Zayn cooed, punching my shoulder lightly, making me groan like I'm dying.

"I dunno.. I've been hearing the name 'Jayda' a lot lightly. Liam, have you heard about her? I'm just curious." I spilled out my thoughts of the weekend.

I asked Liam because he's the one that gets around and knows the popular girls... What can I say? He's a gentle man. It looked as if Liam took a mental note. It was silent until the blond Irish one started talking.

"Yeah, I've heard Jayda around last week a lot." Niall added.

"Ah!" Liam started, getting all of are attention. "Jayda Jackson. Michael Jackson's breathtaking daughter. -" Liam started but got cut off by Zayn.

"The Michael Jackson?!" Zayn breathed, jaw dropped. Liam nodded then continued his statement.

"Yeah, she's Canadian. She has a soft spot for British guys. She's the rebel of the schools she went too." Liam proclaimed.

"How do you know?" Harry doubted, raising a eyebrow. Liam sighed while shaking his head.

"What would you rate her?" Zayn asked curious, waggling his eyebrows. (10 is good, one is bad). "Defiantly, a plus 10 she broke the charts." Liam answered quickly with no hesitation while smirking.

"Wow. She must be gorgeous, yeah?" Niall asked, taking a breath.

"Oh, yeah, she's a sweetheart." Liam cooed seriously. He really has me convinced that this gal is beautiful.

"OH MY GOD!!" A random male voice shouted.

It went quiet and everyone looked at the door. Walked in was a attractive sweetheart. She made her way down the halls with everyone staring at her jaw dropped.

"Hot damn! Who's that kitten?" Harry whispered with a thick purr.

"That's Jayda." Liam whispered back. When she walked by us I almost got weak in the knees, her beautiful scent hit me like a slap in the face.

_____________***In Class*** ________________

We have history class first, I sat down with Harry sitting in the desk beside me. Well not right beside me. There's a aisle between us. The other lads got spilt up from me. The same sweetheart I saw earlier walked into the classroom with Mr. Conrad, are history teacher. Jeez. I'd let her sit on my face.

"So, class. This is Jayda Jackson, yes. Michael Jackson's daughter. Everyone give her a warm welcome and someone please show her around." Mr. Conrad smiled. The whole class was wide-eyed. Except, Claire, Harry's ex-girlfriend.. She's the most popular girl in the school. People label her as the slut, but whoever says that in front of me will get a beating.... Except girls... I can't do nothing about that, well. I guess I could sass them..

"There's a spot free at the back, there." He whispered to Jayda. Pointing to the empty seat at the back corner of the class. Jayda nodded, with a 'I don't give a fuck' expression on her face.

Jayda sat down and class started. Not even five minuets in me and Harry started talking. The teacher must've noticed.

"Mr. Tomlinson and Mr. Styles! I've told you if I catch you talking again I will spit you up!" Mr. Conrad boomed in a big voice. He glared around the room, trying to find someone.

"You! Get up!" He demanded, pointing at Jayda. Who's head was on her deck and her arms snuggled around it.

"What's her name?!" He asked no one in particular, still pointing at her. "Jayda!!-- Jayda wake up!" He demanded once again. Her head sleepily raised from her arms, she was squinting from the light and sleep covered her face.

"Jackson? How many hours of sleep." He growled.

"Two.." She mumbled, still half asleep.-- oh, God. Cute, cute, cute, cute accent,-- just cute in general.-- Wait!! Louis Tomlinson?! What the Hell are you thinking.

"Get up! Your changing spots with Harry." He demanded.

"What if I don't wanna get up?" Jayda fussed, crossing her arms sassily over her chest.

"Jackson, it's not a question. Just do it!" He growled sounding frustrated.

"But I'm too tired, I think I'm gonna faint. And the voices are telling you too 'fuck off'." Jayda continued, with a sneer. My jaw dropped she told the teacher to fuck off on her first day?! This gal is more interesting than I thought.

"Jackson! If you don't get up right now. You will have detention!" Mr. Conrad threaded with a satisfied smirk.

"Alrightly then! I'll get up.... But it's against my religion..." Jayda shouted the first part, but murmured the last sentence. The whole class seemed to be amused by Jayda. But the moment I looked at her I knew she was a rebel and didn't fuck around. Jayda got up and Harry did too with a cheeky smile. They changed spots. The second she sat down she slammed her head against the desk with a thud then wrapped her arm around her head.

Jayda's ***POV***

The bell went, my head jerked up, I groaned loudly. I made my way to my locker. EW, it looks so plain... I got out my Sharpie and started to write in big bold, capital lettering. 'Don't touch my locker....... FAG!' I wrote, and yes it is the same thing from The Breakfast Club I love that movie.... So much... I got outta my trance noticing that there was a blond boy standing next to me at his opened locker, staring at me amused.

"Hey, I'm Niall. And you must be Jayda?" Niall smirked, taking his eyes off my locker.

"Yeah, that's me." I put on a half smile. I didn't feel like talking, because I never really had a nice conversation with someone in a while. But he seems nice, plus he's the first dude to talk to me....-- Wait! Jayda what are you doing!? "I'll see ya later, yeah?" He smiled, before walking away, textbook in his hand.

"Nice, accent!" I shouted after him, making him giggle.

"Thanks, you too!" Niall hollered back. Wow I think that's the nicest thing I've ever said to anyone in a long time... Well I'm not rude to everyone. Just the people who are mean to me.. I just be mean straight back..

The next periods went by slowly finally it was lunch. I put my shit in my newly-designed-locker. Instead of going to the cafeteria I went outside for a smoke. I stared at the empty schoolyard until someone was beside me. I looked back to be welcomed by black hair, tanned skin and hazel-ish eyes. He flashed me a shy smile. God, you don't see sexy mofos everyday like him. He opened his jacket and got out a cigarette.

"Do you mind?" The random murmured shyly. I looked back at him again in response. "I forgot my lighter in my locker." Were his only shy words. I smiled and got out my lighter. He put the cigarette between his lips as we both leaned in and with me lighting it.

"Thanks... By the way I'm Zayn." Zayn cooed, I gave him a reassuring smile. "I'm Jayda."

"You look tense, you ok?" I chuckled, teasingly.

"Sorry.. You're just very.... Dazzling." Zayn hesitated. I really don't take compliments that seriously, because some boys say you're beautiful and they want to be with you forever then the next thing you know you're virginity is gone and the condom broke.-- AHHHH! Get you're head outta the gutter!

"Thanks, I feel like I'm Lady Gaga now!! It seems like she just puts glue on herself and just rolls around in different objects and sparkles." I laughed with a full blown smile. Zayn returned the smile and joined my laughter. By the looks of it his body figure relaxed.

"I'm sorry you must think I'm the weirdest person, see this is why I don't do good around boys." I added, after are enormous giggle fit. Zayn raised an eyebrow in response.

"Naw, it's a pretty good first impression; talking about Lady Gaga and sparkles." Zayn cooed, his voice soft and firm.

"Zayn by any chances are you Muslim?" I asked totally changing the topic. Zayn shyly nodded. Looking sheepishly at his feet.

"Well that explains the beautiful eyes and hair." I said in almost a whisper, Zayn's gaze slowly went off his feet and back to me, his smile was full of admiration. It was silent just us finishing are smokes until. The bell rang.

"Nice meeting you, Jayda." Zayn cooed with a smile.

"Yeah, nice talk about Lady Gaga.. At least we weren't having a conversation about blowing up the school." I smiled, earning a wave of laughter from Zayn. As we went our separate ways.

Next period was.... Spanish... Gross. I got my text book and walked in, right when the bell rang. Ha!!! You can't do shit about it!

"Oh, you must be Jayda Jackson! Tell your Dad I said 'Hi'" the teacher exclaimed.... What......... The........Fuck...... My Dad is.... Dead...... Bitch....... Nooooooo.... Holy shit...... Holy shit..... I'm gonna go to jail. I'm gonna punch everyone in the face. Holy fuck..

"My Dad IS dead!" I shouted louder than I thought the class and teacher looked at me.

"YOU quoted; 'Tell your Dad I said hi' Well, sweetheart... That's gonna be hard... 'Cause you know where my Dad is?! I'll take ya to where he's buried. So you can say 'Hi'. My father was; Michael Jackson!! Ring any bells?! Thriller, Billie Jean?" My outburst was longer than I expected... Wow.. The whole class was silent and jaw dropped. The teacher put her hand over her mouth and ran outta the class room in a ratchet mess. I shrugged and went over to her desk opening a random drawer. I saw two iPhones I grabbed them and sat on her desk.

"Is this anyone's phone? If it isn't I'm keeping it." I stated. Everyone looked around the class room. Until the curly boy that I changed spots with said it was his. I threw it over to him. The other one was a white iPhone. Before I could say anything the schools most popular slut stood up

"Give it to me now!" She demanded in with whine.

"Whoa! Calm down! Who shit in your corn flakes? Maybe you should eat makeup so your pretty on the inside, bitch." I sassed her as I threw her the phone. Everyone gasped and started murmuring. What? No one stood up to her before?

The girl made a scoff noise before flipping me the middle finger.

"You're just a little bundle of bitch today, aren't you? I know who you are, you're just a basic bitch who cheats on her boyfriend and whores around. Please, close your legs you're not a door." I quipped back. By now the whole class was jaw dropped. This one boy with red jean stripped shirt and suspenders looked very pissed off. Huh. They must boyfriend and girlfriend. I looked the boy straight in the eyes, well I looked right though him.

"Are you guys like.... Boyfriend, girlfriend?" I asked still looking at him. Everyone did also. He nodded.

"Mm, so do you slip her.... The-hot-beef-injection?" I put emphasis on the last sentence, I was pretty amused. I want to see how mad I can get this dude. Instead of getting mad he blushed. Making the curly bitch 'aw' finally the teacher came back in. Bloodshot eyes and flushed cheeks.

"Kids were going on a field trip to a campsite on Wednesday." Were her only words before the bell rang. Some cheered I just walked outta the class. The rest of the day went by slowly.


I started walking home until I heard a female voice behind me.

"Wow, Jayda Jackson.." She said, I turned around to see....... Another rebel, my heart skipped a beat.

"Yeah.." I mumbled breathlessly. She caught up to me.

"I know what your thinking; 'Wow another rebel.'" She guessed. I nodded

"Yeah, pretty much.. What's ya name?" I asked as we continued walking down the street. Right when she was gonna answer. That bitch I sassed during Spanish class slowed down. In her red convertible car.

"Hey losers!" She shouted while honking twice. We kept walking, but she just kept following us.

"Want a easier way to get home?" I smiled evilly, she nodded. "Follow me." I whispered. When the bitch continued to drive away, getting bored of us. I ran onto the road with my soon-to-be-friend running with me. The van we ran in front had to slam the breaks with a screech. We caught up to her car blasting Taylor Swift music. I hopped onto the bumper, I grabbed the back seat for support. My 'friend' the same.

So there we were, Taylor Swift music blasting, laughter and wind blowing freely in the air. Smoke from are cigarettes blew in the area.

Harry's ***POV***

We piled into Liam's car. Me in passenger, Liam driving and the others in the back. It was a regular drive, talking about today's gossip and giggling-- "SCREECH!" Liam slammed on the breaks, my head almost hitting the dashboard. No one other than Jayda and another rebel ran into the street and jumped on the bumper of..... CLAIRE'S CAR?!? Why?! I quickly looked back at Louis. His jaw was dropped and he looked dumbfounded. I looked back at Jayda. I stared at her in mystery. When are eyes locked my heart started to hurt, her dark blue eyes piercing into my heart. She shook her head from her thought and broke are eye contact. I felt like I was hypnotized. At a stop sign they both got off.

"'Ey! Thanks for the ride!" I heard Jayda shout, Hannah looked at them then sped away beyond pissed. Wait.... We're at Liam's flat. JAYDA LIVES RIGHT NEXT TO LIAM!?!?!?

"Liam, Jayda lives next to you?!?!" I exclaimed, Liam looked at me confused by my sudden outburst.

"Yeah." He responded slowly.

"Why didn't you tell us?!" I asked

"Why do care anyways?!" Louis defended him. I groaned, I'm not in love with Jayda... No, I can't be.... I could get anyone in this school. Now Jayda? That would be a challenge.... Well challenge accepted! We got out of Liam's car and went into his flat.

Jayda's ***POV***

"Uh, I still didn't get your name." I smiled

"Sky" Sky introduced herself.

"Cool, you wanna come in?" I asked, she shook her head no.

"No, sorry. I can't. Tomorrow?"

"Yeah, tomorrow. See ya." I cooed, before going inside.

I shut the door behind me and groaned, thank The Lord I made it home, without getting raped or killed. The first thing I did was plop my shit down then went upstairs, still on my phone. When I entered I got attacked with the sun beaming through my huge picture window. The boy next to me has the same type on window. It's like that Taylor Swift music video; "You Belong With Me." Yeah that's what I always think. I put my iPhone down and collapsed onto my bed. I decided to get my electric guitar. I plugged it into my amp and started to play something I randomly made up.

Harry's ***POV***

We entered Liam room, still talking about gossip... Well mostly just Jayda.

"Is that Jayda's room?" I pointed though the big picture window. Liam nodded, me and the others exchanged cheeky grins.

"Did you see her naked yet?" Louis said while waggling his eyebrows.

"No! You lads know I'm not like that! Besides, her curtains are shut half of the time anyways!" Liam quickly defended himself, with a slight blush. Nope, he's not off the hook. I'm still gonna tease him about it.

"So, do you stalk her?" I asked, flashing him a cheeky grin.

"No!" Liam groaned. My eyes wondered to back to Jayda's room. Whoa! She's in there!

"Lads, look." I murmured, pointing to Jayda's room. So there she was playing electric guitar. Until Niall randomly starts giggling, we all looked at him in response.

"Whatcha laughing about?" Louis huffed, with us nodding.

"I can be her guitar buddy and you lads can't!" Niall chanted in a singsong tone. I rolled my eyes as Louis opened the window. Jayda's electric guitar filled Liam's room. We all listened in awe.

"We'll get the films!" Louis exclaimed, with Zayn following

"I'll order the pizza." Niall murmured before leaving.

Liam's ***POV***

"Yeah, and eat it by yourself." Harry grumbled. I patted the spot beside me for Harry to sit, he sighed, closed the window then sat down.

"You like her, mate, don't you?" I whispered, Harry jerked his head up looking at me with his green eyes.

"Yeah" Harry sighed, his face softening.

"Well mate you batter claim her before anyone else." I cooed with Harry nodding.

"I know.." Harry mumbled, staring into her room.

"C'mon let to downstairs with the others" I encouraged, Harry nodded sadly before went down. God, I worry about this boy sometimes.

Jayda's ***POV***

I ain't blind! Of course I saw some boys next door. But I just chose to ignore them, I didn't wanna be rude and shut the curtain. Because I know Niall and Zayn.

I decided to get something to eat. I wondered downstairs and to the fridge. I opened it to find a pack of Jello. I smiled stupidly to myself before getting a pack out. I went to the drawers. I opened one, nope no spoons, I opened another. Nope, no spoons. What the fuck? Where did Dad keep the spoons? I opened one last drawer to find nothing. I opened it more, I was confused. I found a CD case. I picked it up delicacy, then opened it gently. I started crying, waterfalls of tears covering my flushed cheeks. There was a CD and a note on top of it that said;

" Dear Jayda,

you've made me the happiest man alive. The way you sing and dance on stage... I could just see you crying right now while reading this. I new you would eventually find this. But, please. God please. Jayda continue living your life as a happy, healthy young lady. I love you and don't forget that. God bless you.

Love: Michael Jackson "

So there I stood, tears rushing down my face, lifeless. Just staring at the note. I fell to my knees, not giving a fuck about the Jello. My head almost smashed against the counter. At this moment I didn't care, maybe if my head did hit the counter I would've died?

The next thing I know I'm running carelessly to my room. Yanking the cord from the outlet, I ran downstairs with my CD player. I was going into the kitchen but the outlet in the hallway was closer there. I collapsed in the hallway, with shaking hands I attempted to plug it in. "Fuck." I mumbled under my breath. After my third attempt I finally plugged it in. I carefully inserted the CD .... Reading..... Reading...... Playing.... I heart skipped a beat.. In a scared way. The more the music played the more I sobbed...


So there I was. On the ground in the hallway, the song ended about two hours ago.. Or more. I felt sick to my stomach.. And very tired.. But I can't sleep. I feel lifeless. I've been doing nothing for hours. Just laying there in now a dark hallway. The sun has already set. Randomly a rush of anger went through me. I got up and punched the wall, my fist went right through the drywall. Fuck.


I woke up peacefully in my bed.... Lol Jk, I'm still laying on the ground in the hallway. I don't remember sleeping at all. I could see the sun raising. I groaned and reached for my phone. I checked the time. 7:46am, I got up stiffly. Damn, I probably look like shit. Fine then! Today! I will! Be! The! Zombie of the class!

I walked to the washroom. I was scared to look in the mirror. One... Two.... Three... Go.. Eh, I don't look that bad.. I looked better than I thought. My face was very pale, eyes slightly bloodshot and small, slightly dark circles around my eyes. I took a shower,-- Oh, Jeez! I forgot about my hand! I opened my medicine cabinet-- (and got welcomed my lots of meds falling. Lol. JK JK). I got that white bandage stuff and wrapped it around my right knuckles. I got dressed and went it the door. I snuggled into my slightly oversized red Jack Wills hoodie.

Well.... This was gonna be the best day ever! Are you ready to get weird stares?! Not for being the new kid, but for looking like a zombie?! Ready, set, go! I walked in. Everything went silent and towards me. I just walked though the crowd with my head down.


So that's the second part.... Please no hate... (:

- Meghan

I'm just a rebel without a cause (One Direction fanfic)CANCELEDWhere stories live. Discover now