Chapter: 30

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I joined Jayda in the bathroom, she just finished brushing her teeth and had her makeup bag out. "Baby, you don't need makeup. You're perfect." I told her shutting the door behind me.

"It's not for me Mr. Horny Styles. It's for your love bite." She whispered, I rolled my eyes playfully. I watched her cutely as she got close to me and applied the makeup. I shifted slightly so I could bug her and she could see my cuteness. I fluttered my eyelashes adorably.

"" She told me between heart stopping kisses.

"But. Jaydaaaa!?" I whined, slurring my words. "Hush. Harry-" "Baby. I love you. Look at my cute face. You can't say no to this face!" I squealed.

And with that she connected are lips in a playful kiss.

"Maybe you could give me a matching one tonight." Jayda used that same sexual tone, I went crazy and draped my arms around her waist then turned us around so she was against the wall with me against her. I made sure my whole length pressed up against her thigh, I gridded slightly on her thigh.

"Yeah, that's the least I would do to you. Hm?" I breathed heavily, knowing my thick accent was a turn on to her. I hungrily smashed are lips together again.

"Geta room you guys." Louis was suddenly passing by us, and the door magically opened. Jayda chuckled as she started leaving the bathroom. "Where do you think you're goin'?!" I whined. "Lou ruined the moment." She smiled before walking away leaving me horny as fuck.

Harry's ***POV***

"Comin' Haz?!" Jayda called from downstairs. "Yeah! Be right there!" I replied.

I shrugged and curiously opened Jayda's medicine cabinet. The first thing I saw was a pretty pink glass bottle. Her perfume. I know I shouldn't be snooping around in her stuff, but I can't help myself. I carefully grabbed the bottle and placed the nozzle by my nose.

It smelt exactly like her, but stronger. Way stronger. Jayda's hygiene is very good so she also smells like her coconut shampoo all the time.

I looked carefully at the pink bottle, in daze.

"Harold! Come on down!" Jayda hollered again, making me get a reality check. "Comin' love! I'm putting on my man makeup!" I joked, earning giggles from downstairs.

I put Jayda's perfume back and grabbed my aftershave that I just bought. Well, actually I've had it for awhile just never wore it. I've always wore cologne, the scent Jayda knows. I wonder of she'll notice my new fragrance? Blue by Chanel.

I put some on and quickly went downstairs.

Jayda's ***POV***

Louis looked up from his phone and looked at me. He raised from his chair. "I'm getting a ride from Liam. You two are welcome to come." Louis cooed, his voice soft. He walked up to me and draped his arms around my neck, he gave me a kiss on the cheek.

"Thank you so much for letting me stay, love." He whispered and let me go, he smiled weakly. "No problem Lou, you go with Liam. We'll meet you at school." I told him I little bit confused on about what just happened. He nodded and left.

When the door clicked shut Harry emerged into the kitchen. Something seemed... Different?

His hair is the same, smile is, he dresses the same.... What?

Harry smiled gently and gave me a breathtaking kiss followed by a hug.

Ok, now it's clear, new cologne?....--

I got cut off when he broke the hug.

No! Wait! Harry! I'm not done smelling you!

He's mind fucking me!!!

"C'mon we're gonna be late for school.." He broke me from my trance, he shot me a cheeky smile like nothing was going on.

Cheeky, cheeky bastard.

We walked out and into the car. I passed him the keys.

The car ride was silence, no radio or anything. Harry randomly started humming a tune quietly.

Harry's ***POV***

This song has been stuck in my head for so long, For the First Time by The Script. Since the car was silent I started humming carelessly, forgetting that Jayda was in the car. Just in my trance and focusing on the road.

I was slightly startled when I heard harmony, at first I thought Jayda had turned on the radio to the song I was humming.

But no. It's her. I glanced at her. She is singing.

"She's all laid up in bed with a broken heart. While I'm drinking Jack all alone in my local bar."

After she was done that verse, I was jaw dropped. That's the first time I've ever actually heard her sing. I cleared my throat.

"You're.... Uh, very good." I muttered, to amazed to say anything else.

"Thanks, baby." "Can you sing?" Those words came from her mouth. I took another glance at her, she was staring right back at me.

"Well, uh. I dunno..." I said humbly, I didn't want to overrate my singing skills. Yeah, I can sing but, I just.... Don't want Jayda to be disappointed. Before Jayda could respond, we pulled into the school parking lot. I turned off the car and handed her the keys.

"We have two more minutes till the bell..." I said cheekily while winking, trying to avoid the 'singing' subject.

"Yeah.." Jayda breathed while undoing her seatbelt.

She crawled over and onto my lap, I flipped up the steering wheel and placed my hand on her waist.

"You cheeky bastard. Changing your fragrance on me, eh?" She whispered, with her thick accent. I smiled innocently and connected are lips. "You thought I wouldn't notice?" She moaned while we took a second to breath. "Harry, I think--"


Of course. That was the fastest two minutes of my life....

"Baby, we'll chat at lunch, yeah? Love you. I can't be late for this class." I told her quickly as we went are separate ways.

I just made it in time for math class, I sat down and pretended that I was listening to the teacher.

As class went on I felt curious about what Jayda was gonna ask me earlier. I drummed my fingers softly against my deck as I looked at my math textbook.

"Harry?" My math teacher was suddenly at my deck. I took my eyes off my textbook and looked up.

"Harry, look a little sick, hm? Go get some water.. I don't want you puking in my class."

I'm confused I don't feel sick at all, I feel fine. But whatever. I'm skipping some class time, maybe I could text Jayda or something. I just nodded, when I got up Liam caught my eyes, he shot me a 'is everything ok' look. I tried to shoot him a convincing 'yeah, I'm alright' look before leaving the room.

I stepped outside the classroom with the door clicking behind me.

I then turned around to find the nicest present waiting for me (Note the sarcasm). Leaned against the lockers with a huge cheeky smirk.




Another short chapter.... With a cliffhanger. (Lol he's hanging off a cliff thou)


Love you all!!!

- Meghan

I'm just a rebel without a cause (One Direction fanfic)CANCELEDWhere stories live. Discover now