Chapter: 39

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( Recap )

We finally showed up at a beach.-- The last happy memory with my Mom, I remember she took me to Doncaster for week because of her job, and took me to this beach. That was the last happy time with me and Mom until she got cancer.

Me and Jayda stayed and watched the sunset on the shoreline.

"Jayda?" "Yeah?"

"You.... You know you saved my life right? You saw all the positives in everything... And um..." I paused to stand up with my hands trembling. "Jayda Meghan Jackson... I wanna spend everyday I can with you... Will you-"

"Y-yes!" She sobbed. "Marry me." I finished my sentence and slipped the ring onto her left hand. I quickly got off my knee and held her. Both of us crying.

I knew that everything is ok now, I could just imagine my Mum smiling down at me.. The ending, is just my beginning....

The end? (To be continued?)


Harry's ***POV***

I held onto Jayda tighter, my hands went numb already. I peppered her with small kisses, my life has never been so perfect.

After a few more moments we decided to pack up and head home.


When we stumbled back inside and settled on the couch a huge wave of sleepiness brushed over me.

"Kitten... Lets go to bed... I'm very tired... You know proposing to a perfect girl can tire a lad out." I smiled cheekily, followed by a yawn. Jayda smiled in content and gave me a motherly kiss on the forehead.

She smiled warmly and started to walk upstairs, her warm embrace leaving and making me cold. I quickly got up and followed her to bed.

The second I got into the bedroom Jayda started talking. "Unzip me." She demanded. "Yes. Mrs. Styles, your wish is my command." I said back playfully. I unzipped her dress and she slipped out. In a beat I went to my drawer and got her one of my shirts, she changed into my shirt and put her hair into a messy bun.

I slowly and lazily started to get myself undressed.

Jayda's ***POV***

I watched from the bed in awe as Harry struggled to untie his tie, I smiled and hoped from bed and undid his tie.

"Thank you.." Harry whispered huskily, he took advantage of me being close to him and rested are foreheads together. Harry slightly towered over me, his lips parted and his breaths were deep and staggering.

Abruptly his lips where pressed on mine, demanding me to kiss him back.

Harry's ***POV***

I felt so into it, the world around us slowed down.

Jayda bit my bottom lip playfully, I moaned into the kiss after feeling Jayda smirk satisfied.

I had no choice to break the kiss due from a lack of breath.

"Now get ready for bed, sexy. I think it's past your bedtime. Your pretty pale, hm?" She teased and crawled onto bed, back in her spot.

"I'm not always pale.." I whined playfully after continuing to put on my pjs, I went into bed and cuddled Jayda tightly into my arms.

She placed her head on my chest, I watched carefully, knowing that I wouldn't be able to fall asleep before she has. Jayda's eyes slowly drooped as she stirred closer to me, I felt her body and limbs get heavy. Eventually her breathing evened, and she was fast asleep in my arms.

My future wife..

I kissed the top of her head gently, then said my good nights.

"I love you more than anything, kitten.. Remember that... Sweet dreams.." I whispered.

Dim moonlight filled the room from the balcony window, lulling me into a deep sleep--


I woke up freezing, Jayda was turned away from me, facing her side in a fetus position. I crawled from bed sleepily and wandered downstairs, since it was barely light out I'm guessing its still early.

I then went to the living and snuggled up with a blanket.

Jayda's ***POV***

I woke up to an empty bed and cold mattress.

Where could he be? There was no water running in the washroom, he must be downstairs.

I forced myself from bed instead of just calling him, once I was downstairs in the living room, there was a heap of blankets. With Harry snuggled in, looking cold.

I sighed gently and slowly approached the sleeping boy, how could he fall asleep sitting up?

His mouth was parted sloppily as he inhaled and exhaled heavily, in a deep slumber. I gently touched his cold forehead. "Oh, baby.." I mumbled to myself while shaking my head. I cupped his slightly pale, plump cheeks and gently caressed my thumbs over his eyelids.

"Haz.... Haz?... Baby?... Please wake up....-" I felt him flinch from my touch and he shut his eyes tighter. "Harold... Please open those eyes for me..." I begged. After a moment Harry's lazy green eyes fluttered opened.

"Whatcha doing down here, Hazza? You're freezing..." I whispered, Harry's eyes sparkled. "Sleep." He almost whined, weakly in a raspy voice.

"Baby... Go upstairs in bed, hm? I'll make you some tea and I'll turn up the heat.." I cooed, trying to reason with him.

"Cold. I need you." He stubbornly replied, his voice weak. I sighed knowing he wouldn't move and I had to stay. "Ok. Baby.. But I'm making you some tea.. Are you feeling alright?"

"I.... I have really bad... Cramps..." He trailed off slowly still half a sleep. "Aw. On your man period, boo?" I chuckled, earning no response but a sweet, warm smile that made my heart flutter.

"Ok, baby. I'll be right back." I whispered, kissing his forehead. "Lay down, ok?" I continued then walked away.

I wandered off into the kitchen and started the tea, once I was back into the living room Harry was just beginning to slowly lay his head down on the pillow.

I turned up the heat a degree before going into the washroom and getting an aspirin.

Harry! You should've got some clothing and maybe you wouldn't be so cold!

I got one of my baggy hoodies that smelt like me and a pair of his sweats.

Once I was back to Harry, he was back into his slumber. With heavy breaths and curls flying everywhere. I placed the pill on the coffee table with the clothes, when I came back with the tea. I woke Harry again.

"Haz, put this on, ok?" Harry opened his eyes and sat up, almost toppling over. Finally after some struggling he got the clothes on.

"Good, baby. Now take this..." I whispered and sat beside him. Uneasily he finally took the aspirin and drank some tea.

"C-Can.... Can I lay on your lap? It helps me...--" I cut him off there with a little 'sush' as I motioned him to lay down.

Harry clutched on my arm like a lifeline and gently placed warm, sleepy kisses on my arm. As I played with his hair, and massaged his head. Knowing it lulls him off to sleep.

"Ok Harry... No more kisses... Sleep baby..." I whispered firmly as Harry nodded and stirred closer to me, his eyes shut and finally he drifted off.


I wasn't sure to continue or not, butttttt... I made another chapter.... Comment for more....

And their actual wedding will be in upcoming chapters.

Thanks again for the votes reads and feedback.... If you suggest it, it will most likely be in the next chapter or so.

- Meghan

I'm just a rebel without a cause (One Direction fanfic)CANCELEDWhere stories live. Discover now