Chapter: 26

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Jayda's ***POV***

"When are they coming?" Harry whined for what seemed like the hundred time. "School ends now, babe. They're on their way." I told him, smiling softly. "Buuutttt babe?" Harry continued to whine.

"Yes?" I mumbled sitting on the couch with him.

Harry's ***POV***

"I love you.." I smiled sweetly. "I love you too, Harry. Stop distracting me." She whined herself at the last sentence. "Or what?" I challenged. But then regretting it when Jayda stood up.

"You have 5 seconds to run." Were her only words, and with that I ran. Jayda being a fast runner caught me and somehow placed me down on the ground. She sat on top of me and gave me the tickling of my life.

"STAWHP!!! I GIVE! PLEASE! P-PLEASE!" She stopped to my command and got off me and running away. I then heard the door open.

There here! I quickly ran down the stairs with the boys greeting us.

For the rest of evening, we had such a great night. Jayda helped Niall with guitar and Liam with homework. Wow, she's amazing. Soon everyone left. Me and Jayda sat on the couch in silence, to tired to move.

"I'm so tired." Jayda mumbled, I nodded. "Let's go to bed, baby." I cooed, before she could get up I scooped her up bridal style and carried her up to bed.

We both barely had energy to change into pjs.

***The next day at school***

We walked into history class, Jayda had that little cheeky smirk on her lips. All morning. Why? We sat next to each other at the back of the class. About 15 minuets into class Jayda started whispering.

"Psst, Harry!"

"Shh, Jayda the teacher is staring at us.--"

"I love you." Jayda started dramatically.

"Jayda!" I warned.

"Harry, I love you so much."

"Jayda, now this is not the time to be.--"

"You know you're perfect right?"

"Jayda, stop!"

"I know you love me."

After class I shot her a 'I'm-Gonna-Get-You-Later' glance. She just smiled innocently back.


It took forever, but finally it was lunch.

Jayda was nowhere to be found, not in the cafeteria, nor outside. I sighed and sat with the other boys. "What wrong, Harold?" Louis giggled. I grumbled. "I don't know where Jayda is. I've looked everywhere." I told them, they all just exchanged worried looks.

"Well, Harry." Louis began. "You've been together ever since you started dating.... Don't you think you're being to..... Clingy?" Louis stated with hesitation, I didn't know how to respond, I just gave him a shy shrug before looking at my food.


Minuets went by, Jayda still never showed up yet. I'm started to get very worried. I scrubbed my hands over my face in a attempt to clear my thoughts.

"Hey, hey. Mate.." Liam cooed in a motherly tone. "It's alright, you're fine." He continued, I nodded shakily.

Ung, please not here. I have a few neuroses; slight history of panic attacks is one. And I already have a little bit of trust issues to begin with.

I wanna tell the others in the worst way but the other lads will probably call me an idiot, but I don't want them knowing what a loser I am, I'm an sixteen-year-old boy that has panic attacks over the smallest things and has trusting issues? None of the others are like that, that's for sure.

I was sort of ok at first, just thinking that Jayda will come. I tricked myself into thinking it might be alright, I want to run around and find her.

The cafeteria is almost empty, everyone disappeared to the study hall.

The whole room became silent, I could only hear a pulse heartbeat type noise in my ears. - I can hardly see Niall who is right across for me, and all I hear are gusty breaths and silence, silence. I know she's alright, I know. But I'm not sure.

I shut my eyes because I can't stand staring into that fucking abyss of blurriness, and I can't help it, my eyes snap open.

fuck fuck fuck. I can't breathe. My chest seizes and I try to calm down, I try to inhale. I'm fine, she's ok - I'm ok, deep breaths, deep breaths.

I'm trying to keep it together, but I never was very good at those anxiety techniques the doctor taught me-- I can feel my fingers and toes starting to tingle and that sends another wave of panic crashing down on me because this can't happen now, not here please.

The tension in my chest in unbearable, my jaw goes slack. I can't help it, I moaned, loudly - an uncoordinated, drawn out sound, like I'm dying. It feels like my brain has completely detached itself from my body, I can't think, I can barely hold onto what's happening.

"Harry!?" Zayn is suddenly beside me, staring into my face and I don't know when he got so close but I don't like it, I make another horrible sound and Zayn backed the fuck up.

My breathing is shallow and I know I'm not far off fainting, I'm grateful for it. I just want to stop feeling like this.

"Fuck. Fuck." Zayn is swearing and I can see him shaking as the boys move frantically.

Randomly I was shifted to face a familiar figure. Louis. "Hey, hey! Mate. Look at me, watch my eyes. Deep breaths." Right when Louis finished his panicked sentence, I was about to take deep breaths until, I toppled back with my eyes rolling to the back of my head.

I slipped into unconsciousness--


Jayda's ***POV***

After math class, I got the homework that me and Harry missed, until the teacher said I missed some notes too.

So much about lunch-- huh.

I quickly texted Harry.

" Hey, My-Cotton-Candy-Haired Boyfriend

I might be late for lunch, I'm just getting the homework for math that we missed.

Lots of love, Jayda "

I pressed send.


Later when I finally got out of the

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I walked to my locker, in the empty hallway. Ung, finally lunch. Right when I slammed my locker door the intercom came on:

"Excuse the interruption, Jayda Jackson. Please come to the office. Jayda Jackson. Thank you."

"Are you serious!!" I yelled to no one in particular.

Jesus Christ. -_-



I know, I know. It's a late update. I try to update every week. But school has been.... Rather 'interesting' with all the homework, assignment and other school-related-crap.

But anyways, I'm not here to rant. (:

- Meghan

I'm just a rebel without a cause (One Direction fanfic)CANCELEDWhere stories live. Discover now