The Judge

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*Jacks POV*

My head was throbbing and my vision was blurry when I woke up. I didn't know what was happening; all I saw was Mark standing in front of me as I was laying down, tied up to a table. He didn't look the same. At dinner, he was so full of life and wonder, the Mark I've missed but this version.. This isn't the Mark I knew. He looked evil or down right crazy, stroking my hair which added to the creepy factor. "What's happening Mark?! Why are you doing this to me?!" I asked, in which he only responded with flashing an evil grin. He gagged my mouth so I wouldn't yell anymore and he lefty side and went over to what looked like a camera. He's going to record this?! I began to struggle against the bonds around my wrist and legs. Mark noticed and he slapped me across the face, causing me to yelp in pain but, it was muffled.

"If you try that again, I will cut out your eyes." Mark said in a stern voice which I nodded in response. I didn't want to get on his bad side during a time like this because he could go easy on me if I just follow his orders, right? Doesn't it work that way? I watched Mark go over to the table near me that was filled with what looked like different tools to hurt me. I couldn't even count all of them, there was so much and I was terrified that he would try every one of them on me. Mark then went back so he was in the cameras view and waved at it. He was wearing a mask that had a pink mustache on it, his clothes were different as well.

"Hello everybody, my name is Wilford Warfstache and welcome back to some more fun. My new guest today is a local.. Sean McLoughlin. My favorite and final victim, yes he's a special one alright.." Mark said into the camera, walking over to me now with a knife. I didn't realize it until now that I wasn't wearing my normal clothes, I was just left in my boxers so that everyone who was watching would see the visible cuts. No drugs.. no anything to numb me. The first few cuts were terrible. He dug the knife deep into my shoulder down to my forearm, cutting small cuts down the arm so I wouldn't bleed out and die right then and there. He did the same to my other arm and chest; I could tell that this wasn't his first time doing this. I cried out and begged him to stop but, that just made him do it more and more. He laughed throughout the violence. He cut my legs and torso, some cuts were bigger than the other ones. Mark then grabbed the hose to spray me down to wash away the blood. He removed the gag and then forced the hose the hose down my mouth, trying to drown me. It was pure hell

It lasted for another ten minutes, the beatings had stopped and I'm surprised that I'm still alive. He patched my wounds up and untied me. He grabbed me by the hair and pulled me up to his height. "You cannot run away, the location that we are in is miles away from civilization.. you won't survive out there if you tried. If you try, I will kill you without hesitation. I like keeping my victims alive for a while so that they can really suffer. Understand?" Mark looked at me dead in the eyes as he told me this and I just nodded. He then dragged me up the stairs to the living room and I observed my surroundings. It looked like a wood cabin, a recently new one and it was all fancy. Guess he liked murdering in style. He let go of me and I gentle got up and slowly walked around, going to the window. I saw that he was right about being no civilization. All I could see for miles is trees and mountains, and it made me feel even worse. I looked around and noticed Mark in the kitchen, cooking food and I walked up to him, tapping his shoulder. He looked at me with dead eyes and sighed.

"What do you want?" He asked.

"Uh.. w-where is my room?" I spoke in a soft tone, afraid of him. He chuckled and smiled softly.

"You are sleeping with me because I cannot trust you sleeping on your own. You'll be handcuffed to me at night so you won't run away." Mark explained and I was shocked that he was going to go to such length to keep me. I was about to protest but he gave me a cold look and I just obeyed to his orders, sitting down at the dining room table as he finished up dinner.

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