Little Did You Know

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*Jacks POV*

I couldn't say anything in return to his words, he still loves me. I was just sitting in shock while he got up, going towards his dog. Since we were handcuffed together I was forced to go along with him. He petted her head and sighed softly. "I don't expect you to say anything in return, I know you hate me more now than ever." Mark stated and didn't look at me when he spoke.

"Mark, I've never hated you.." I said to him in a soft spoken voice. "I mean.. I don't know my emotions right now because this is so sudden.. I just know that I cannot love you back. I just need a little more time." I said and he nodded, understanding my choice. "To be honest with you, I used to love you a long time ago whenever we were in high school. I used to have a huge crush on you and I loved you a lot but.. you became more and more violent while time progressed. I was terrified that you were going to hurt me if I confessed so I just left you. Turns out I was right about you hurting me." Mark now turned his attention to me, his cheeks were a tint of pink while his eyes looked glossy, like he was ready to cry. He held back his tears and took a deep breath to calm himself down.

"You are telling me that you loved me at one point in time and you left me because you were scared of me? Sean, I would have never hurt you back then but, now you see what your actions cause. I still love you and do you have any idea how much this hurts?!" Mark started to raise his voice at me. "I love you Sean! And you tell me this now?! Fucking goddammit!" He swore in which I was looking down at the ground while he screamed at me. I didn't want to cry in front of a killer. After he was done we just went to his room to call it a night. It's been a long day for both of us and I just wanted to go to sleep. I wanted to change into more comfortable clothes but I couldn't since we were still handcuffed together. I cleared my throat to get his attention and pointed at the cuffs. Mark understood and undid them, letting me go to change and get ready for bed. He knew that I wouldn't leave the home so I'm not surprised that he trusts me with that. I go to the bathroom and I started to undress as well as turning on the shower. I'm glad that I have some alone time for once, privacy at last. I took a good look at my damaged body and I examined the cuts and bruises. I didn't realized it but I was almost in tears again. I shook off the feeling and entered the shower, allowing the water to wash off the dry blood or clean the cuts again. Eventually I did wash my body and hair but after half an hour of being in the bathroom I heard a few loud bangs on the door.

"Hurry up in there Sean, can't stay in there forever." Mark shouted through the door and I turned off the water and got out, drying off my body delicately. I didn't want Mark to yell at me if I tore open cuts on accident. Walking out the bathroom with a towel wrapped around my body, I focused my vision on Mark who was sitting on the bed staring at his phone.

"I need some clothes.. please.." I murmured under my breath and Mark went to his dresser to pull out some old clothes, handing them to me. I thanked him and began to get dressed while my back was turned to him. I could feel his eyes burning into my skull and to be honest it was uneasy with him watching me get dressed. After I was done I crawled into bed and lied down.

"You have a cute butt, you know that?" Mark blurted and I blushed a bit. He just chuckled and eventually lied down with me, putting our hands back into the cuffs. I just wanted to sleep but Mark was in my personal space. I just ignored it while he spooned my body, I won't lie but it did feel nice to have warmth against me. Closing my eyes I began to drift off but suddenly, I felt a warm pair of lips against my neck. It wasn't anything bad, just a pecking at my neck. Even so, I felt uncomfortable.

"Mark please.. I don't want any of that tonight." I begged but he continued and his hand traveled under my shirt to feel my torso. "Mark.. please don't touch me like that.." I kept begging and thank god he stopped.

"Sorry, you just look so beautiful in my clothes.. I just had to kiss you a bit." He spoke in a deep, soft voice that was calming to me. I sighed and ignored him, closing my eyes once more and drifted off to sleep.

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