Playing the Victim

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A few weeks later, I managed to call up Sean and arrange a meet up with him. Of course I was actually lying when I told him I was doing alright and had no hard feelings from high school. He was free tonight and we were going out for dinner, nothing too fancy but I didn't want to take him to some trashy restaurant. Granted, I kill for living but I do have some standards and I do have to play the part. It was already time to pick him up from his job and I was tapping my fingers against the wheel as I drove off to get his sorry ass; I hated acting the role. I hated acting like the sad victim but I had to do it because how else am I suppose to kidnap him and kill him slowly? Not acting like how I do normally.

I parked in the parking lot at the fancy hotel that he ran all the time, the hotel was towering over all the other little shops around it. I waited for about twenty minutes, which really angered me, but Sean came out and into my car once he found it. He was different looking in a way. The man was still pretty short and pale as always, I remembered his pretty ocean blue eyes, his hair was still brown but now he had a beard. He sighed and looked at me, locking eyes with me and smiled fondly. "Hey Mark, it's been a while. You're still buff as always." He joked and I forced a smile while I laughed with him.

"Well, you haven't changed much, you leprechaun." I teased and Jack just chuckled at the old nickname I gave him in high school. I began to drive to the restaurant while the car ride was kind of silent but, Jack kept making small talk to lighten up the mood. He told me more about his life in details with how he got into his business and whatnot that I really didn't care about. I was blocking him out most of the time so I didn't kill him right then and there. I would be lying if I said that I didn't find him somewhat attractive still, he's always been attractive to my eyes. What could I say? I was a sucker for blue eyes.

We eventually arrived at the restaurant and we got out, going inside and being seated by an older male who gave us a weird look. He must have thought we were gay and were going out on a date. While I was looking at the menu, Sean was just staring at me, observing me for some odd reason. I cleared my throat and put the menu down so I could stare back. "Can I help you?" I asked in a light tone.

"I want to know what you have been up to. You haven't talked about yourself all night and I've missed you Markimoo." Jack murmured, he seemed either bored or embarrassed to be with me tonight. I let out a small sigh then nodded, agreeing to his request.

"Well, after high school, I went into college to major engineering and I graduated at the top of my class. I work for a company now and I couldn't be happier. I'm not in a relationship because I've been taking a break from all that lovey stuff. I moved to LA because there was more opportunity here then back home." I explained to Jack as he sat there, listening to every word I spoke like a child or a dog. I hated it. I hate how sweet he was and how he was kind or gentle to everyone he knew. Even to strangers. It made me sick to my stomach. As the night went on, we had talked throughout the night and had a nice time. Though, while little old Jackieboy went to the bathroom, I planted a roofie into his drink. I couldn't help but smirk as I was going to take him home and just ruin his life. Once Sean got back, he continued to drink his drink and soon told me that he was feeling tired. I nodded and we went back to the car, by then he was already knocked out cold. I laughed to myself and placed him into the passenger seat, buckling him up. Stroking his hair, I smiled happily.

"Rest well Sean, tonight is just starting for you." I whispered though I knew he couldn't hear me. Once I got in, I drove home.

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