Chapter 3 ~ Cats and Chapsticks

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Hello again! Hope you like this chapter :D

It is short, but sweet <3

Dedicated to BehineTheCurtain for her lovely comments :) Thank you :D


Chapter 3 ~ Cats and Chapsticks

Lucy's POV

Several days had passed since the beginning of the year and Callum was getting used to the school. He enjoyed music lessons and shocked everyone in the room at his talent at the piano. He played flight of a bumblebee which left my music teacher with her jaw practically on the floor.

Callum sat back down next to me, with a massive grin on his face. His hair was everywhere today. I just realised, his hair was a dark Belgian chocolate colour. It made his blueish green eyes stand out, shining. He wasn't half bad looking to be honest.

Authors Note, Picture of Callum at the side, just incase you don't know who Logan Lerman is (ISN'T HE JUST BEAUTIFUL LIKE UH)

I made Callum smile even more when I told him we had a piano in our living room and he could come whenever he liked to play it if he wanted. He didn't smile, he hugged me. This made me think of him more of a teddy bear than usual.

After school, we sat in our usual places in the local library, reading and studying. Fun, eh?

Callum wasn't remotely interested with Macbeth today. Instead, he started doodling all over the script we were supposed to be studying. Problem was, I couldn't tell him what not to do while we were studying, so I left him to it. He stayed in his own little bubble, drawing cats.

I continued to annotate the script, when someone bumped into my back as they walked past. I was going to turn around and object, but I didn't dare when I saw who it was. Valorie Chapstin. But I call her, Valorie Chapstick, because she is a makeup and lipgloss obsessed freak. She also is the most popular girl in the school (naturally). Boys from every year want to hit on her, right from Year 7 to 13, and girls? They swoon and adore her beauty. They tell her how skinny and curvy she is, they tell her Beyoncé has nothing on her. And me? I was just worried that Callum would fall under her spell, I didn't want to lose my new friend.

Chapstick hadn't noticed that she had slammed into me and kept on walking, swishing that hindquarters of her to a great extent. Luckily, Callum hadn't even looked up. She was talking to presumably, one of her minions.

"Like, if he wasn't deaf, I would so hit on him. He is totes adorbs." Chapstick said, flicking her bleached hair over her shoulder. The word 'deaf' caught my attention...okay, the stupid text talk did too, but that's not the point.

"Yeah." Her friend drawled.  

"I mean, have you seen his face, it's like, so godly." Chapstick continued.


"And, if he didn't hang around with that nerdy little swat, then I would so be right at him. I mean, she seems to like, protect him almost." Chapstick continued. I was betting, if Callum could hear her, he would probably be throwing up in his mouth, or, if I was him I would anyway. Plus, Chapstick's extensive use of the word 'so' really got on my wick.


"And have you seen her hair, it's like, brown. And, she doesn't even straighten it. I mean, she should. Ringlets are not in trend over here."

I fiddled with a curl from my ponytail, self consciously. By this point, Callum looked up and saw something was wrong. He saw my direction of sight, and noticed my self conscious hair-fiddling. It was a pity he left his picture of a cat playing with yarn half finished, I wanted to see how it ended up.

"Yeah, and like, she like, wears her uniform like a nerd. And have you seen her normal clothes, there are no Hollister, no, well, she has no cool brands. She probably got all her clothes from Sainsbury's. No wonder she hasn't got a boyfriend. No one like her and her frumpy style." Both girls started laughing. I stood up and stormed over to them, Callum grabbed my wrist, not wanting to make a scene but I yanked it away from him. I crossed my arms and glared at the girls.

They looked up at me. Then Chapstick stood up, easily towering over me.

"Y-you have no right to t-talk about me behind m-my back." I stuttered, not sounding strong and confident at all.

"What are you gonna do, shrimpy?" Chapstick said, sounding very amused.

"I-I-" I looked behind to see Callum for reassurance, but he wasn't behind me. I couldn't see him. So he had done a runner, thanks.

"She is going to ignore you and walk away, aren't you Lucy?" A voice from behind said. It wavered all over the place and was high one second then low the next, but it sounded forceful and direct all the same. Callum. He had spoken. I turned to see him next to me, and he didn't look impressed at all.

"Ooh, deaf boy is sticking up for you."

"Shut up, Valorie." Callum said. He was lipreading. Her lips were bright and it aided him a bit. I felt like crying with happiness. He grabbed my arm and steered me away then went back to his normal mute self, like all the confidence had drained out of him. He shoved his stuff in his bag and picked it up. I followed suite. I gave him a thanking hug. He could lipread...but...could he...I wonder...

We walked home, Callum in silence, but it was definitely comfortable. When I got to my house, I gave Callum one last hug then skipped to my door as Callum continued walking down the street, towards his home.

Callum's POV

I couldn't believe I had spoken. What had Lucy thought of my voice? Was she laughing inside at how funny it probably sounded? I didn't like speaking in front of other people, unless they were my mum or Spot. Dad was in the army and was currently doing his training stuff. But I trusted Lucy, didn't I? I don't know.

When I got home I dumped my bag by the door and took off my blazer. You overheat in these uniforms, what with ties, blazers and jumpers. Girls were lucky, they had skirts and socks.

"Mum! I'm home!" I shouted. Well, I hoped I did. I couldn't hear so I had no idea what I was saying.

I went into the living room and got out my Macbeth script with pictures of cats all over them. I sighed and began to read the script, but the words seemed to dance about, the letters doing 360 degree flips, the punctuation jumping up and down. My brain was too muddled for Macbeth.  Forget Lady Macbeth, why couldn't I wash away the red spots in my head? I would just have to sleep it off. So I went to bed early, wishing I honestly wasn't deaf.



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Make me stuff! Whoo! Because I feel lonely when I make myself banners (AWWW) So please let your inner Picasso out! Thanks chuu :D

I had to go back and edit it because there were so many mistakes! DUN DUN DUN! I can't type, that's why XD My fingers just tend to spaz out on the keyboard, meaning lot's of errors :P

cl0ud_nine <3

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