MOTR - Chapter 1

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"It is difficult to accept death in this society because it is unfamiliar. In spite of the fact that it happens all the time-- we never see it." ~Elisabeth Kugler-Ross


Gone. He was gone. And he took everything away with him. He left, and nothing was the way it was before.

It's funny how someone can have that big of an impact on so many lives. That one person either barges into your life, or was there from the start, and helps turning you into you throughout the years, whether it's in a good or bad matter.

Kevin did that. He transformed Lucas into a strong and reliable Alpha. He transformed me into a fierce and independent woman. He transformed Anna from a nutjob to a lovable nutjob. But now that he... Let's say departed, all his hard work of shaping us into who we are today has gone to waste.

None of us know how to act. He was the thin thread that was keeping us going and making us stick together.

Now, the thread had snapped.

And everything was going down the drain.


We all stood under the pouring rain, observing the box being slowly lifted, and then lowered once again into the hole that was dug. My face was damp – I couldn't tell if that water was my tears or just raindrops, but at this moment, I didn't exactly care. My arms were limply hanging on either sides of my body, and I couldn't help but reach out to hold Lucas' hand. I whimpered when he pulled away. I diverted my gaze to his face. His expression was cold. He was glaring at the floor, the hand that I tried to grab was now curled into a fist, and his jaw was clenched.

Water dripped down his face, and his stare never left the coffin, even after it was buried and covered in sand. Even though his eyes were hard, I could spot a bit of uncertainty underneath. I couldn't blame him for it.

What now?

The rest of the pack that was standing behind us had scattered away. There were only two people left. One of them staring at the floor, the other staring at their mate. I kept glancing at Lucas, hoping to get any sort of reaction out of him, but he wouldn't budge. He was frozen in place, motionless like a stone cold statue.

"We should get going," I whispered.

"Go on without me." I was shocked to hear his voice. Half of me was glad that he acknowledged me, and the other half was surprised by how emotionless his tone was.

He became dull, and had this weird aura surrounding him. I sighed.

"I know how you feel." I said quietly. "I just want you to know that I'm here for you." I put my hand on his shoulder. He grunted and shrugged it off.

I ignored the pang of hurt that spread out through my body, and walked away slowly.

'He's grieving,' Stella told me. 'Don't take it personally and let him be for a while.'

I nodded slightly to myself, and decided to distract myself by watching the nature around me. Winter was slowly but surely making its appearance. The once bright blue sky was now a depressing shade of grey, and was smothered with clouds. The heavy rain had substituted into a light drizzle, and the cold end-of-November weather was slowly getting to me, making me basically strangle myself with my coat to shield my body from the wind. The trees and the ground were covered with a light coat of snow.

'I just thought of something funny,' Stella spoke to me again. 'They say that your personality reflects the environment you're in. Maybe that's why Lucas is acting this way.'

I was pretty sure she was trying to reassure herself just as much as me. It wasn't normal for me to walk alone. He was always by my side. Always. I can't remember the last time he allowed me to wander around without any sort of supervision.

'You know Stella...' I trailed off. 'I don't think anything's going to be the way it was before.'


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Murderer on the run

[Book 2 of the Runaway Series]

Pretty short and boring chapter :// Sorry bout that. The few first chapters will be boring and then the action will begin.

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Chapter 2 will be up shortly.

Murderer on the runWhere stories live. Discover now