MOTR - Chapter 2

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"I drew him in my world ; I drew him all the time, but I don't know where to draw the line." ~Lang Leav

Night fell. I was pacing inside our room, waiting for Lucas to make his appearance, and wondering where the hell he is. I tried mind linking him several times, but couldn't reach him. After a couple of minutes, I put on my sneakers and grabbed a vest before heading out of the house.

'If you won't come to me, then I'll come to you,' Stella spoke in my head, and I could feel her anger and distress. I nodded subconsciously to what she said. As I was halfway through the territory, I heard steps behind me. I turned around quickly, ready to attack, thinking it was an intruder, but was shocked when I saw Lucas wobbling and grinning to himself.

"What the... Where have you been?" I asked.

"No, the real question is where have you been missy?"

I blinked rapidly.

"It's like," He checked the nonexistent watch on his wrist. "Midnight and a half. So it's like the middle of the day. What're you thinking running around all alone like this?" He suddenly gasped and looked at the sky. "Oh ma gad, there's an APOCALYPSE! Quick woman get my camera! Robert has it!"

"Who the hell is Robert?" I was starting to get frustrated. Why was he acting like this?

He smacked my forehead.

"No swearing. Watch your language, or the leprechauns might hear you," He shushed me.

"Leprechauns?" And then it clicked. "Are you drunk?"

"What?" He yelled brutally with a high pitched voice, making me jump back. "What're you talking about freaky woman?"

"I thought werewolves couldn't get drunk," I mumbled to myself. "Let alone an alpha,"

"Yes. I am an alpha. I am the alpha. I'm the boss. No one can stop me. I am unstoppable,"

His words were coming out slurred and sloppy.

"Come on, let's get you home,"

I grabbed his arm and slung it over my shoulder, and he almost made us fall backwards.

"No, no! Dun want to!" He screamed. "HELP! I'M BEING ASSAULTED BY A TROLL,"

I stared at him incredulously, before shoving the sleeve of my jacket in his mouth to shut him up.

"A werewolf has to drink at least four bottles of vodka continuously to get only tipsy. How much did you drink to get in that state?"

He put up ten fingers.

"Ten?! You drank ten bottles?"

He spat the piece of clothing.

"No lady, can't you count?" With one finger he began to count. Well, at least he tried. "One, two, forty, seventeen, twenty-nine, caramba, and eight!" He clapped happily.

I've never thought I'd see the day where the most powerful alpha in the world would be like this. I shook my head and continued dragging him to our house. Once in, I threw him on the bed and closed the door, before getting a glass of water. He walked to where I was.

"You not troll,"


"You very pretty actually. I like you. Will you be my wife?" I stared at him. Even if he was drunk and unaware of what he was saying, I couldn't help the blush that crept up to my face.

"You're drunk," Was my answer. I turned around and started pouring water into the glass I was holding. I was expecting him to retaliate, but what I didn't expect was to hear sniffles. I turned around to see Lucas beautiful face contorted into a frown, and tears falling freely from his eyes.

"What's wrong?" I asked softly.

"No one likes me," He sobbed loudly.

"What do you mean? I like you,"

"You don't want to marry me," He rubbed his eyes like a seven year old boy.

"I do want to marry you," I insisted, smiling.

"Really?" He grinned. "Can Robert come to the wedding?"

"Sure," I chuckled. And observed him. His smile was knocked off of his face as quickly as it came.

"You're lying,"

"I'm not," I frowned,

"You only want to marry me because you feel sorry for me," He seethed.

"No, I want to marry you because I love you," I said, and my eyes widened at what just escaped my mouth.

"Liar," He roared, before he raised his hand and slapped me. I fell down, clutching my cheek in pain. I started crying, memories of my past slowly returning to me. I quickly stood up and exited the house. If he was in a good enough condition to slap me, then he was in a good enough condition to take care of himself. I ran to the only place I could think of.

The hospital.


Murderer on the run

[Book 2 of the Runaway Series]

Hey guys! Remember me?

Sorry it took so long to upload, I just couldn't take werewolves anymore. I've had my dose while writing Runaway xD and I had complete and severe writer's block. I couldn't continue writing no matter if I tried or not. Point is, I uploaded. I deserve a round of applause


I was actually hoping someone would be willing to help me write this story. I've been suffering from writer's block a lot lately and having someone there would be awesome. So if you're interested in helping just DM me and I'll choose someone.

You have to message me your name, why you want to help, and a paragraph or an excerpt something you wrote by yourself. I'll try not to take too long to answer.

Chapter 3 on the way!

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