A Stormy Night

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Canada quietly close the door. Both the boys were put to bed in their bedrooms.

Downstairs, he joined the remainder of the nations there in the living room where England was the center of attention. Canada took a seat, listening in to the conversation.

"You can change them back, yes?" Japan asked.

"That's the tricky part," England said softly. "I was doing a transfiguration spell, and it wasn't meant to be temporary."

"And that means?" Germany said.

"It will take some time to make a reversal spell."

"Who's going to take care of them?" Italy asked.

Everyone kept quite for a few moments.

Canada was the first to speak up. "I can take care of America." The other five in the room all looked startled for a moment when he spoke before they must have realized he was in the room, too. "I can watch both of them, actually."

Lightning lit up the room. Canada could faintly hear the patter of rain on the window sills.

"Are you sure, Canada?" Japan asked.

Canada nodded his head. "I think so. I mean, help is cool, especially with America. But, if you guys want to help, you always can."

"We'll all help," France concluded. "Until England comes up with that reversal spell."


Russia laid in his bed, listening to the patter of rain outside. He felt his eyes slowly drift closed just as he heard something. His eyes flashed open to stare at the closet. A shuffling inside pulled at his attention.

Maybe it's a mouse?

Russia sat up, pushing the covers off of himself. He swung his feet down to the carpet and made his way to the open closet. Inside, he pushed aside a few boxes before he heard a small sound, something he couldn't quite identify. He turned to see America seated in the corner of the closet.

"What are you doing in the closet?" Russia asked.

He heard a crack of thunder sound and watched America jump. America pulled his knees up to his chest. "Don't tell anyone. Okay?"

Russia nodded slowly. "Okay." He crawled closer, siting right next to America. "You are scared of storms?"

America looked down to the dark carpet before nodding. "Don't laugh."

"Why would I laugh?"

America looked up. In the little light, Russia could see he looked slightly confused, yet... Relieved?

"I'm scared of being alone."

"You are?"

Russia nodded. "All my friends and family left me. Everyone leaves," he said softly.

"I wouldn't leave you."


America shook his head.

Russia smiled before America jumped at another burst of thunder. Russia opened a box near him and found a blanket that he pulled out. He put it over America and sat beside him.

America held the blanket out for Russia as well. He accepted it with a smile. And before the night was over, America had quit jumping at each thunder clap, and the two boys had fallen asleep.

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