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It was many days later when England finally brought good news. He came into the room that day with a small bag in one hand and a piece of paper in the other.


The four looked up to England expectantly.

"Are you sure?" Spain questioned.

"I'm sure. The spell is ready. It'll turn America and Russia back into adults."

"Now we just have to find the little rascals," France said.

Just outside, the boys were in the field of grass, sitting with each other. The sun gently descending onto the horizon, painting the sky a soft orange.

America's eyes had drifted closed before he felt something being put behind his ear. He opened his eyes and felt for the small something and found that Russia had placed a small wildflower there. He held it in his hand and looked to Russia.

He sat upright, looking down to America with a smile. "You like it?"

"I love it," America replied with a wide smile. America sat up as Russia turned to watch the sunset.

America got to his knees before sitting comfortably in the grass. He thought about all those things France had always told him and Canada when they were growing up. He suddenly made up his mind and forgot all about them. He quickly leaned over and lightly pecked Russia on the cheek.

He saw Russia's face get red when he turned to look at him.

America looked down to his hands. "Sorry," he said almost immediately. "France always says that you only kiss the people that you really love and, um..." America didn't get the chance to continue before Russia returned the affection to America.

America looked up to see Russia smiling. "I love you, too, America." Russia wrapped his arms around America in a tight hug that America gladly returned.

"America! Russia!"

The two got to their feet at the calling of their names. Hand in hand, they ran across the field and back to the house. They met Canada and Lithuania just outside the back door before heading inside. In the living room, Canada and Lithuania stood beside a couch, behind where England stood, with Spain and France.

"What about their clothing?" France asked. "Won't they grow too big for them?"

"I've enhanced the spell," England explained. "Their clothing will grow with them." With nods of approval from the rest, England turned back to the two boys and opened the small bag he had in hand. Throwing the fine dust over America and Russia, he quickly began to chant words that were meaningless to the rest of the group.

A soft glow began to build wherever the dust had landed. The chanting suddenly stopped and there was a bright flash. The rest of the group stares in anticipation as the light settled.

There now stood America and Russia, full grown and looking a bit dazed. They were both slightly confused before they remembered what had happened. They swiftly dropped each other's hand as the remainder of the group all took sighs of relief.

"Everyone's back to normal," Spain said.

"Yeah," America started uncertainly. "Thanks, England."

England just nodded.

"I'm going to change. You guys, if you want, can stay for the night. The meeting's tomorrow, right."

France affirmed this thought before America left the room to go upstairs. America closed the door to his room and found his clothes folded on top of the dresser. He quickly changed and folded up the clothing he had been wearing. Out of the clothing he took a small flower, the one Russia had given him.

Downstairs, America went to the kitchen began supper for everyone.


America forced himself to stay calm as he put the pan down on the stove before turning around. Russia was there, dressed in his regular attire.

"Hey, Russia."

There was a brief silence before Russia started to speak. "When we were children, I said some things."

"We both did."

"And, I meant them all."

America looked down to his feet, not sure what to say and trying to hide the red that he was sure had grown over his cheeks. When he looked up, Russia was standing right in front of him.

"Me too," he said quietly.

They stood for a few moments in uncomfortable silence.

"My lord," he heard England mutter.

The two turned to see England, France, Spain, Lithuania and Canada all standing at the doorway to the next room, all watching expectantly.

"Just kiss, already!"

The two looked back to each other and before he knew it, America felt Russia's lips pressed to his. He felt his hand come to hold his cheek, as the two gently sinked their movements.

The rest of the group left the room smiling to themselves.

"Told you, they'd get together eventually," France said.

"With England's encouragement," Canada added.

"Technically," Spain started. "None of this wouldn't have happened without England."

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