Small Injury

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The day went by without any major mishaps, ignoring England's sudden lack of skill in spell making.

The four nations all helped to keep eyes on the two younger boys. Spain and France played with the boy's most often, always keeping them entertained. Though, they started running out of ideas after the second day.

Canada walked into England's room. The cleared area towards the center if the room was stained with a black area. Apparently none of his spells had been very successful. England sat in a chair, sipping his tea.


The man looked up and set his cup on his saucer. "What is it?"

"You any closer with that spell, yet?"


Canada sighed internally.


"I don't think France and Spain can survive much more."

England just shrugged his shoulders. "Are they that bad?"

"The two of them together, yes."

England finished his tea and set the cup and saucer aside. "I'll get back to work."

Canada nodded, before leaving the room. "Thank you."

It was the truth. Russia and America had become inseparable. They were always together and didn't leave each other's side.

Canada walked into the kitchen where Lithuania was making some sandwiches for lunch. France and Spain came into the kitchen and both took seats at the counter. Thy both looked exhausted.

"Where are the boys?"

"In the backyard," Spain said.

"It's a good thing those two didn't grow up together," France said. "I don't think the world could have survived it."

"Well, you want to call them in?" Lithuania suggested. "Lunch is ready."

Spain stood up just as the two boys walked in. At first nothing seemed wrong. The two each had an arm around each other. Russia seemed to be supporting America. Canada saw that America was holding his left leg up behind him. At first, he thought they were playing as they hobbled in, but it didn't turn out to be that way.

Russia lead America to a chair and America sat down. Russia rushed to get the footstool and struggled a bit to open it up before he put it in front of America. He helped him lift his foot to rest it on the stool.

"What happened?" Lithuania asked. He was the first to kneel down beside the two.

"America got hurt." Russia stood by America. It seemed as if to protect him. "Is ankle is hurt."

Lithuania looked up to America. "I'm going to take a look. Okay, America?"

America nodded.

Lithuania carefully pushed up America pant leg and took off his shoe and sock. He carefully held America's ankle, feeling for any break or twist. He looked up to America with a smile. "You're going to be okay, America. It's not bad. Tell me, what were you two playing outside?"

"Were playing in the trees," Russia said.

"Yeah, I was showing Russia the bird houses in the trees and I wanted to show him so-" his words were suddenly cut off with a sharp cry that made Russia jump.

Lithuania had given a quick twist to America's ankle to correctly realign his ankle with his leg. He looked up to America. "Better?"

America nodded, his teeth grit together.

"I'll get some things to make a splint," Canada said before leaving the room.

"Are you okay?" Russia asked concerned.

America nodded. "I'm fine."

Russia didn't move a step farther away from America at all.

"Do you boys want some lunch?"

They both nodded and Lithuania have each of them a sandwich.

"Did you fall from a tree?" France asked.

America nodded before Russia started speaking. "He was trying to show me the bird house and then he slipped and he got hurt."

"It's okay, Russia," France reassured him. "America will be just fine."

Russia nodded and turned back to America with a smile that America gladly returned.

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