Chapter 10 - Something New

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*A/N: The topic of self harm is raised in this chapter. I am sorry for any distress it may cause. Just so you know, if you ever need to chat about anything then feel free to message me. I will do anything I can to help you no matter how long it takes. I love you all and thank you so much for reading my fanfic :)*

Emily's POV

Ashton informed me of Luke wanting Bella's number. Of course, I gave it too him straight away!

Today; Ash and I planned a simple lazy day. We're barely able to get these as we're always with the band or doing something crazy at the beach or whatever. I just wanted to have a nice day in with the boy I really like. (I dear not say love yet) 

Ashton told me to be round fairly early so we literally had all day together. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention... I'm sleeping there tonight. His mum has taken the kids away for the weekend of which Ashton has taken full advantage. I wasn't scared or nervous about sleeping there. I've been close to this boy for a while now and things are moving at a steady pace, why would I be scared to spend the night in the arms of someone I truly care about?

I walked up and familiar pathway and knocked on the door I'd made contact with many of times. Ashton answered the door with his usual cheeky grin which hardly ever wiped away from his face. My face gawped as I noticed he had nothing on beside sweats. His toned tan body stood tall above me, his V-line very prominent. I was snapped out of my gaze from Ashton's laughter.

"Something you like her orrrr?" He teased. 

"Meh, I quite like my view." I winked giving him a little tease back. 

Ashton waved his arm inwards towards the house signaling me to come in. The house was quiet without his brother and sister running around arguing playfully. I kind of missed that. Strangely enough I grew close to them, I liked looking after them. I was the youngest of 5 siblings so I never really had anyone to look after and protect. Harry and Lauren certainly filled that roll. I feel so protective over them. You know what, I bloody love them. 

Ashton guided me to his room. As if I'd get lost, I've been here like a hundred times!

The minute he opened the door I barged past him and jumped on the bed. That was like my favourite thing to do and I was just in an overwhelmingly happy mood. 

"What on earth are you do-" I interrupted Ashton's talk and instructed him to join me whilst still laughing. 

He sighed sarcastically before running towards me and jumping on the bed. His jump was a bit further than expected. He didn't land on the bare sheets besides my body. He landed right on top of me. I laughed through the pain but Ashton couldn't move. He was completely breahtless from all the panting. We continued in our ludicrous laughing fit before calmly slowing down to our normal breathing patterns. 

Ashton slipped off my body. He layed on his side, using his elbow to prop up his head. He looked down into my eyes - I returned the action. 

"You really are beautiful" he said whilst rubbing my cheek with the thumb of his free hand. 

My face smiled instinctively. Red flushed rushed into my cheeks making it obvious of my delight. 

I placed my hand over his and moved it down to the side of my body of which he was not. I hoped this would bring his face closer to mine and of which, it did. I wrapped my fingers in his curl gently bringing his face down to mine. Our lips were centimetres apart still smiling brightly. I could feel his chest lowering down to mine. I've never felt so close to someone. I think I love him...

With that thought in mind, our lips gently touched. For a while it was slow, gentle, calm but I thrived for more. His tongue began to rub against mine begging for entrance. I easily obliged letting him roam around my mouth with ease. The gaps between our breath elongated as the kiss became more and more passionate by the second. 

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