Chapter 8 - Day-trip

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Emily's POV 

Ashton and I arranged today that we would spend a day at the park kind of like how you see in the movies but chances are, it won't turn out anything like that knowing us two. We've arranged a picnic and several pieces of sporting equipment to make it a bit more lively. This took a lot of planning so I swear down if this boy messes things up I will literally set fire to all of his beanies. 

I'd been up for 3 hours, getting ready and prepping before I decided to go and fetch Ashton. We thought that maybe walking to the park would add to the whole 'day-trip' kind of thing. Funny how he suggested that because I have to carry all of the stuff to his house first! 

I prodded down the street, dropping the football every so often and having to chase it. I most of looked like such an idiot from the road. 

It didn't take that long to get to Ashton's and when he answered the door he couldn't stop himself from laughing as I stood there with my 'you better be sorry you little shit' face. 

"You look cute when you're angry" he mocked me.

"Don't piss me off buddy, just remember I have a football in my hands" I threatened with a wink in my eye.

Ashton's POV 

This girl makes me so bloody happy. Everything she does is so beautiful, even her threatening me was adorable. I just wanted to grab her face and kiss her but maybe that wouldn't go down too well. 

I snapped out of looking into her eyes and took the heavy bags, being the man that I am. We had a 10 minute walk to the park which consisted of us pushing each other playfully. 

When we arrived at the park Emily threw the bags down choosing the spot we'd be staying for the day. 

"Trust you to pick the most rubbish part of the park, follow me"

Emily picked up the bags and followed my tracks. I took her to the bit of green near the bench we first officially met up. I thought this would add a nice little touch to the day. I wanted today to be special and all about us because I'm going to tell her something important. 

Emily threw her blanket up in the air letting it return to the ground softly to mark our spot on the grass. I put all of the food on the blanket, whilst doing this I rummaged through the bags trying to find something to snack on. I found some crisps but before I could sink my teeth into them they were snatched from my mouth.

"Nuh uh, I don't think so mr. We're playing football first."

"You're on" I said gathering myself to my feet whilst heading for the ball before Em. 

We playfully tackled each other more often than we actually kicked the ball. This was more like two kids play fighting than anything else. My brain was hardly working because of all the laughter.

Before I knew it we ended piling on top of each other.

Neither of us moved.

We layed there, silent. Listening to the sound of each others heavy breathing.

I moved the hair that covered her beautiful eyes so I could look deeply into them. 

"Em..." I started.

"Yeah?" She shyly replied.

"I've been waiting for the right time to tell you this and considering we're inches apart smiling happily right next to the bench that we first arranged to meet, I think this may be that time. At our concert, I noticed you. I didn't know why and I didn't know how, you just stood out from everyone else. Then we met by chance outside and I couldn't quite believe my luck and then when we stumbled across each other in the coffee shop... It's like a one in a million chance that I bumped into you so many times randomly. I've really grown fond of you and there is nowhere I'd rather be than with you. You're fricken' perfect Em. Your, smile, humour, style, loving side and banterous side just make me fall for you every second I'm with you. Basically what I'm trying to say is that I really like you." 

Em gave me a cheeky grin. I looked at her questioningly. 

"I've been waiting for you to say that."

"Wha-a-at?" I stuttered, expecting the worst. 

She flipped me around so that she was leaning on my chest looking into my eyes. 

"I heard you the other day, round yours, talking to Calum." She giggled.

You have got to be kididng me.

"NO NO NO, THAT IS SO EMBARRASSING." I covered my face. Before long, two small palms wrapped around my hands, moving them away from my face. 

"You really shouldn't be embarrassed." She tried to reasure me with a straight comforting face.

"Why not?"

"Because I like you too."

And with that, I looked at her lips, practically asking for her to reach her head down and kiss me. She obliged, slowly tilting her lips to mine. Her lips gently touched mine creating the perfect moment for us both. Our lips moved in sync filling it with passion as though we'd both been waiting for this. We pulled away to look in eachothers eyes again. Em did that little giggle again and covered her face. It was adorable. 

All my Christmases' had come at once. My face lifted, my stomach filled with butterflies and my cheeks turned a bright red. This moment didn't need anymore words it just need two people who care about each other a lot in the presence of each other. So that was what we did.

For a further hour or so, Emily and I layed there, looking up at the sky, with my arm tucked underneath her head, bringing her chest to mine as her leg rested onto of my leg. It was truly a perfect moment. 

Emily's POV

I walked home with my hand on my face trying to discreetly cover up the smile that would cause people to look at me strangely. I still felt so warm inside. 

Today's productions made me even more excited for the return of my best friend. We were the sort of girls that whenever one of us liked someone we literally wouldn't stop talking about it. I haven't been able to contact her at all because she's at some sort of leaders camp with our school and there is like no signal in that place what so ever.

It has been hell not being able to tell her about all of this. Imagine how she'll react when I tell her that THE Ashton Irwin from 5 Seconds of Summer likes, ME?! 

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention, she's a huge fan too. Luckily she's not an Ashton girl though (I think she'd rip my head off...) she's a Luke girl instead. 

I can bet on the first thing she'll say... Probably something along the lines of... 'So, you and Ashton hey, does this mean you can hook me up with Luke?' 

The thing is, I totally plan on doing that! She comes back in two days time! And trust me, I'll have something arranged. 

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