Male dragon priest reader X neo (rwby)

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This will take place in remnant

You were battling the dragonborn known as korbyn. You didn't want to but you had to but that was before he said a shout you never knew existed it opened a whole in the ground that pulled you both in.............................................................
You woke up to someone poking your face.

???: neo dispose of them

You felt someone trying to pull you but they failed horribly and fell to the ground with a thud so you decided to get up which startled the girl in front of you she was unbelievably short you then remembered your old friend you were fighting. You looked over to see soldiers starting to fire in your direction so you picked up the girl and korbyn and got out of there. Once you were in a safe place *cough* *cough* an abandoned building *cough* *cough*
You asked the girl who she was but didn't reply so you got frustrated and yelled which made her start to tear up and run to the corner of the room

Korbyn: she can't speak

How do you know

Korbyn: well for one she opened her mouth to talk but nothing came out so that means she's mute

Wait how do you know this

Korbyn: hey screw you I know things

After that you laughed and walked to the terrified girl known as neo

Sorry for yelling at you

She nodded and gives you a thumbs up

Korbyn: I'm hungry

That's when neo jumped up grabbed your hand and korbyn's and ran with you two behind her when you reached your destination the sign said ice cream but the weird thing was the sign was glowing

What's this magic it requires no torches.

Neo looked at you confused

Korbyn: neo what's ice cream

Neo gestured you two to follow her to the cashier who had a smile on his face. Neo then gave the man who took it and handed her a tub of ice cream labeled Neapolitan neo then got a spoon opened the lid and ate it there was two colors brown and pink you then looked at her hair

Neo are you named after that ice cream

Neo blushed and nodded then got some on her face so you used your thumb to wipe it off then licked it which caused neo to blush even more.

You then heard commotion outside so you turned your head to see a girl with a car forcefully stopped by her hands

Korbyn: well ok then, that's a strong young woman

Well go check out what happened

Time skip by 2 months

Korbyn: y/n we need to talk about your girlfriend neo

Wait why

Korbyn: she's working for a terrorist organization known as the white fang and her boss attacked one of the four maidens that protect remnant

How many are left

Korbyn: I only know of the fall maiden but she's half dead

Ok first I know about neo and the white fang but what do you want me to do

Korbyn: well you know I'm part of beacon so if I have to I'll put her down or you can talk to her about what she's doing.

Ok ill Talk to her

Korbyn: ok but hurry

I will just don't hurt her

Time skip

Korbyn: I told you I have my orders but I'll just say I can't find her but I'll probably be expelled for not being capable of completing a mission

I'm sure you'll be fine

Korbyn: hopefully. Where's neo anyway

She's with Roman they said something about an idiotic huntsman

Korbyn: did they say why thyre going after him

Because he's a threat to neo

Korbyn: wait a minute I thi-

Korbyn was shot in the back by Roman which has Adam, mercury, emerald, neo, and cinder all with their weapons pointed at him

Roman: finish him y/n

I can't

Adam: why not

We're old friends that's why

Cinder grabbed neo and had her sword to her throat

Cinder: you kill him or we kill her

You sigh knowing what you have to do. You walked over to korbyn and pulled out your sword and go to stab until you heard him yell unrelenting force towards you and the others but you were sent in to a building. Because of what korbyn did neo got away and rushed to your side but you blacked out

As you were blacked out korbyn was fighting off the only awake person from the group.Adam taurus.

Adam: what kind of attack was that

Korbyn: you threatened to hurt my best friends girlfriend so it's time for payback

Adam: that's if your fast enough

Korbyn: cocky idiot

Korbyn used whirlwind sprint and cut Adam. just as you woke up you saw cinder and emerald about to sneak up on korbyn while he was cutting up Roman and mercury so you used unrelenting force to make them fly away which worked but you did it to the max power which disintegrated them neo then woke up and kissed you. Just as korbyn was done he walked back to beacon to tell them not to worry about neo because the other five are dead. You and korbyn were given medals.

This won't be so bad.

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