blake x spartan male reader

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The unsc sent you to an uncharted planet with your friend korbyn. They said they'd keep in touch.... That was three years ago. You and korbyn are becoming huntsman. You both abandoned your old weapons after they ran out of ammo. Ozpin gave you both permission to join his school. While you missed your old friends from the unsc the last you heard the covenant had won after master chief had "gone missing" with his team.

Korbyn: y/n you need to stop thinking about the covenant winning they don't even know about this planet.

'we were only fifteen when we were shipped here'

Korbyn: i know and all of our old friends are dead


Korbyn: yeah i know i miss her too

After your talk you both heard a loud boom.

'the hell was that'

Korbyn: i have no idea lets go check

You both get your armor on. And jump out the window of your shared dorm.

'why do you still wear your helmet'

Korbyn: why wouldn't i wear it

' never mind '

You both finally reach your destination.

' shit '

Korbyn: its the covenant

' how did they find this planet its outside of their boundaries '

Korbyn: without the unsc there are no boundaries.

After dealing with the small scouting group you both ran to ozpin's office

Korbyn: ozpin were gonna need some soldiers in all heavily populated areas

Ozpin: what is going on

You both explained why your here and what would happen if the covenant gets control over even a little bit of land.

' with the unsc gone this planet has no chance of survival '

Ozpin: i see i will alert general ironwood

Korbyn: thank you sir

Ozpin: and in the meantime we are having a dance in just a few days i suggest you two find dates

Korbyn: oh great a dance people will be able to see my face

Ozpin: yes they will and korbyn no more wearing your armor during class

Korbyn: ugh fiiiiine

Ozpin: good day

The next day you both went to class as you normally would only this time korbyn was wearing his uniform

Korbyn: this is torture

' get used to it '

Korbyn: damn it

Luckily you guys had the same classes as team rwby. You were all in your last class good witch's class.

Gw: korbyn you and y/n

Korbyn: were too evenly matched

Gw: fine korbyn vs team crdl

Korbyn: mother fu-

Gw: language korbyn

Cardin: come on loser

Korbyn: man I'm gonna kick your ass unsc style personal training from master chief himself.

Class: who

Korbyn: oh my god how do you people you know what never mind

The fight was over quickly with korbyn just dodging and punching each member of the team.

Male reader X Female CharactersWhere stories live. Discover now