Male reader X scarlet witch

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Your powers are the elements like korbyn's p.s this is an au where the avengers fail *spoiler alert for avengers 2

Ready for a mission

Korbyn: sure what is it

We gotta help the avengers with a floating city

Korbyn: well that's new

You said it

Korbyn: how we getting there

With our powers

Korbyn: which one


Korbyn: alright let's fly

You and korbyn took to the skies

So you ask out Natasha yet

Korbyn: had to bring that up didn't you

Yup now answer

Korbyn: no I'm working on it

Want some help

Korbyn: no thank you she has a thing for banner anyways

Hey don't give up you can do it. Wait what!

Korbyn: the avengers failed!

You know what we have to do

Korbyn: we've never done anything like this

Hey we gotta try

Korbyn: I'm always up fora challenge

Good cause that's what we're gonna get

As you both were flying you saw the floating city

Alright korbyn two things we've got ten minutes and banner is missing

Korbyn: oh that's just great

let just hurry

Korbyn: Alright were in range

Three. Two.

Both: one

You both used your wind and earth element to stop the fall

Korbyn: alright let's put it down slowly

That's kinda the plan

After minutes of struggling you both manage to save the city

Rogers: great job saving the city guys


Rogers: no I'm serious if you hadn't done this We would be dead right now

Korbyn: your welcome

Hey Natasha Korbyn has something to say

Korbyn: don't do it I swear to god I will set you on fire

Too late

Nat: hey Korbyn what did you need

Korbyn: oh you know I um well

Oh for God's sake he likes you!!

Nat: I know

Korbyn: well bye

Korbyn tried to fly but thor pulled him down and put his hammer on him

Korbyn: I'm not deadpool damn it!

Everyone laughed except for Korbyn and another person who was crying so you walked over to see why that person was crying


???: hello there

What's wrong

???: I wish not to speak about it

Alright but don't cry

???: I'll try


???: thank you what is your name

Y/n, what's yours

Wanda: my name is Wanda

Beautiful lady

Wanda: um what?

I meant to say beautiful name

Wanda: you are a goof.and thanks for cheering me up

Your welcome

Korbyn: will you get this damn hammer off of me

Thor: no

Korbyn: why

Thor: because I said no

Korbyn: oh come on I just saved so many people

Meanwhile you and Wanda were laughing. You loved her laughing and everything about her so you asked

Hey Wanda wanna go out sometime

Wanda: of course, but should we help your friend

Nah he'll be fine

You both ended up getting married and had a child named cindy. Korbyn and Nat got together and adopted a kid named sofie the end

Male reader X Female CharactersWhere stories live. Discover now