weiss x male reader pt 2

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After the Christmas feast Salem left the room.

Korbyn: alright guys salem is planning something i can feel it

' would you calm down and eat your food you haven't even tasted it '

Korbyn: neither have you and blake and i know exactly why.

Ruby: wait korbyn whats wrong with it

After a few seconds everyone was unconscious besides you korbyn and blake

Korbyn: told you. She was planning something

As if on cue Salem and her lackeys came in. They were shocked to see the three of you still awake.

Korbyn: surprised mother

Salem: you bastard you have ruined everything like you ruined my life when you were born.

Her lackeys looked at her shocked at her outburst. Emerald walked over to korbyn with cinder by her side and turned to face salem

Salem: you traitors

Korbyn: traitors no smart yes. You see mother they know whats about to happen

Salem ordered her lackeys to attack. They each had a target. Mercury chose to try and kill yang in her sleep

Korbyn: time for my wish salem

Salem: what is it

Korbyn: i wish for them to be teleported home safely

Salem: fine

One by one you were all home besides korbyn

With korbyn

Salem: you really are a fool korbyn

Korbyn: am i really

Korbyn readied an arrow and shot mercury's shoulder. The arrow went through mercury's shoulder

Korbyn: sorry merc you chose the wrong side this time

Merc: bastard you'll pay for that just wait

Korbyn: i wont be around long enough to be tortured by you

Korbyn used lightning to scare salem out of his way. After making a way korbyn made his way to the portal and ran through it

With you

' that idiot is gonna get himself killed '

Korbyn: i'm sorry what did you just say

' holy sh*t. Don't do that ever again '

Everyone cheered that korbyn made it

Everything went quiet for a second until korbyn spoke

Korbyn: we need to move now

After korbyn said that you all started to run towards the nearest town which fortunately was close. You looked back to see a giant grimm towering over trees it resembled a spider

Korbyn: it had to be a spider

Ren: korbyn what is that

Korbyn: my mother's pet

' if it's a pet it must have a name '

Dramatic music plays

Korbyn: his name is.... Fluffy

' alright stop the dramatic music... Seriously his name is fluffy '

Korbyn: yup

' well anyone have a plan '

Korbyn: yeah just wait

' um why the hell are we waiting

Fluffy was getting close. When it was close enough it tried to attack weiss. On cue a grimm as big as fluffy blocked the attack with its stinger.

Korbyn: Scorpio! i missed you buddy

Jaune: so korbyn you have a death stalker as a pet

Korbyn: yup

' wait korbyn is that the same Scorpio that used to play tag with us when we were kids '

Korbyn: you know it

After minutes of eating popcorn and watching the fight Scorpio came out victorious.

Korbyn: you did it buddy!

Everyone: way to go Scorpio

Scorpio: *happy noises*

You all climbed onto Scorpio and went to mistral

Ruby: this is way faster than walking

Yang: you said it rubes

Korbyn slid down Scorpio's tail and began to talk

Korbyn: alright guys time to take a moment of silence for our fallen friends and allies.

You all stopped talking and bowed your heads in respect. After a few minutes korbyn spoke up again

Korbyn: now we celebrate how far we've come to avenge them. I love you guys and you y/n thanks for being there for me through all of this.

Qrow: korbyn you and cinder know salem best why is she having grimm attack cities

Korbyn: from the info i've gathered she is causing panic which will lead to chaos

Pyrrha: i have a plan

' lets here it '

Pyrrha: if we put up defenses at the schools we have a better chance at keeping salem away from the relics

Korbyn: ok i like it so far but who is gonna go where she has already taken down two of the four schools.

Qrow: we will figure that out in the morning now we should get some sleep

Korbyn: I'll take lookout duty tonight.

Jaune: alright everyone time to sleep.

Everyone laid down their sleeping bags and fell asleep

Timeskip brought to you by chibi korbyn and y/n running away from a happy chibi scorpio

Korbyn: wake up everyone we're nearing mistral

Jaune: five more minutes

Pyrrha: jaune you had your fun last night now get up

' ha get some jaune '

Jaune: hey i heard you and weiss last night

Korbyn: i already nora and ren had fun. Wait that's not fair me and qrow are the only guys that didn't get any last night

Qrow: i heard my name

After saying that a random woman came out from behind qrow

Korbyn: this is such bull shit i didn't get anything last night

Yang ruby blake cinder neo (with a pen and notebook) emerald: oh don't worry your fun comes tonight

Korbyn: sweet. wait when did neo get here

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