Male villain reader X wonder woman

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Your powers are water and wind p.s you and korbyn are brothers

Korbyn: you ready for this job

Yeah let's go I'm getting bored

Korbyn: you wanna make an entrance or just go in

Let's give them a show

Korbyn: finally we do it my way

Well you have to try new things right

Korbyn: were wasting time

You both jump off the building unaware of a womean going to the bank that is to be robbed by you two

Careful the justice league are still on us

Korbyn: hey the bat is too slow to catch us

You're such an idiot

As you both landed you broke through the glass. the people all gasped and ran away well accept one woman wonder woman

Oh come on of all times

Wonder woman: give up now criminals

Korbyn: I don't think so hottie were getting our money

Wonder woman: not if I can help it

She hits korbyn into a wall but was blasted back by a blast of fire. To finish it you both used the powers you have to knock her out

Korbyn: let's get the money and get outta here

What about her

Korbyn: I'll carry her you get the money

Alright let's mee at the hideout

Korbyn: will do

After that korbyn ran off to the hideout leaving you alone

???: well well well look at what we have here

You turned to see the rest of the justice league

Hey batty how you doin

Batman: where is wonder woman

Oh all in good Time Bruce wayne

After you said his name batman's name was startled

Batman: how do you know my name

Easy your Bruce Wayne, Clark Kent, j'onn j'onzz, barrey allen, Victor stone, and Hal Jordan

After you said their names they looked at you with an expression worse than fear for you could attack their loved ones at any time

Batman: your coming with us


Superman: Because you and your friend kidnapped wonder woman

Hey we didn't kidnap her she's unconscious

After a little battle you were knocked out along with flash and cyborg.... With korbyn

Korbyn: what's taking him so long

Wonder woman: my friends got him

Korbyn: ok two questions when did you wake up and how do you know

Wonder woman: their stronger and smarter than you two. And how dare you hurt a woman

Korbyn: hey we never try to hurt anyone but we do it for defense

Wonder woman: ok than why do you steal money

Korbyn: to live

Wonder woman: explain

Korbyn: well when we were kids we were taken from our house and put into a van. When we reached our destination we were grabbed and thrown onto the ground. After a lot of tests we got our powers and forced to fight others but in the end the man who did this to us tried to make us fight each other which was a huge mistake because we just killed him. We have regretted that decision for the rest of our lives

Wonder woman: but what about the money

Korbyn: well we needed a house, food, and clothes we also had to pay for school

Wonder woman: oh well if it helps I'll talk to my friends about letting you join the league

Korbyn: wait but why we are criminals

Wonder woman: because you both deserve a second chance

Korbyn: thank you Dinah

Wonder woman: how do you know my name

Korbyn: oh we know all your names

Wonder woman: well I underestimated the two of you

Korbyn: let's hurry and isn't your hq in space

Wonder woman: yes so take a deep breath

Korbyn: ok

With that they flew to the justice league HQ where you're being held. After a couple of seconds the two entered the room where you were. Wonder woman did something unexpected. She kissed you. You looked to see korbyn with a smile and a thumbs up. After processing what happened you kissed back

This was the start of a new life

Male reader X Female CharactersWhere stories live. Discover now