|15| Everything Means Nothing...If I Ain't Got You

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With a new leash, and a vest, Y/N walked out of PetSmart smiling, because Dash had no fleas and no chip, which clarified he didn't belong to anyone. If he did, they didn't put a chip to track where he was in case he got lost. Anyway, Y/N debated whether they should neuter the dog but she decided that that was a decision to make with Lauren when she gets back. She tugged gently on the dog's leash, pulling him away from a dog that was way larger than him and walked out of the store.

Once she carefully set Dash inside the car, in his cage that she had to buy, she got into the driver's seat and turned the car on. It's June and she wouldn't be surprised if they said that California was in a drought. She wiped the little sweat on her forehead, switching gears before hearing her phone ring. She furrowed her eyebrows, Lauren just texted her saying she was going to take a nap, so she pulled her phone out and found someone unexpected to text her.


"Your brother graduated college. We are having a surprise party and we know how much you mean to him...I'm sure he would love to see you, two surprises is better than one."

Y/N furrowed her eyebrows, thinking of a way to respond to this. She hasn't seen, nor spoken to anyone in her family in months. Well, Eddie isn't apart of their family yet since he hasn't really proposed to her sister but he was considered family before he even dated her sister. Which reminds her, her parents haven't sent any kind of money for the past four months and she's a little behind on the rent. On the bright side, she's going to be able to see her brother...if she decides to go. She isn't sure, because going would mean finally seeing her family after a year of not seeing them since her coming out.

Oh wow, now she's nervous and doesn't even want to go. But her brother...

"I'll let you know"

"It's this Saturday by the way"

She sighed, she figured there would be some sort of catch when it came to this invite. Saturday is when she has to turn in her portfolio, how is she going to do? Am I even going to go?, Y/N shoved her phone in her pocket and began to make her way back to her apartment.


"Alright, 2.0," Dash looked around the hallway, sniffing each door they passed by. Y/N took her keys out, gently tugging on Dash's leash when he stayed sniffing a door."I just have to–" she stopped, furrowing her eyebrows at the letter taped on her door. She grabbed, opening it quickly and her heart dropped when she saw in bold red letters...


Apparently she's not a little behind on her rent. She hadn't paid her rent since December, and she remembers that was the last time her parents sent her some money. She read the letter, sighing quietly once she was done. She crumpled it up angrily, smiling down at Dash when she saw him staring up at her curiously. She unlocked her door, going in and hurriedly packing some clothes in her backpack. She grabbed her computer, because she has to google some spark notes on a book she's suppose to read. The paper is actually due on Friday, perfect.

Once she gathered all of the important things she needed, she threw her backpack over her shoulder and kept her grip on her computer tight; she does not have money to buy another if it falls and breaks. She whistled, catching Dash's attention and gestured him to follow her. To her surprise, he followed her and walked with her to the door. She locked her door, rushed down the stairs and waved at the man behind the desk. He was staring at her, which made her stop and sigh.

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