|16| Junto a Mi

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Friday afternoon, Y/N is half asleep in her Literature class. She has her head rested on her hand, leaning against her desk and fighting the sleep. And to anyone seeing her right now, she is really losing the fight. The more she rests her head on her hand, the more she finds herself falling asleep. Her elbow is sliding on her desk, causing her to lose the fight of sleep and close her eyes.


Y/N jumps, taking a deep breath and acting like she wasn't just asleep. She looks around the classroom, finding that many students were staring at her. She felt her cheeks heat up, before she heard her teacher's voice again.

"What is the American Dream?" He asked her, leaning against his desk with his arms crossed. Y/N rubs her eyes, holding back a yawn as she thinks of an answer. She doesn't remember the teacher saying anything about the American Dream, oh shit, is there a test over this?"It's simple, Y/N." He added.

She cleared her throat, scratched the back of her neck before finally answering,"Happiness." She guessed.


She mentally groaned, Mr. Gibson is literally the only teacher who asks simple questions and expects you to answer with an essay. She sighed, sitting up straight and looked at the book she did not realize was on her desk. She remembers reading the book, rather the play, in her junior year of high school. Death of a Saleman. She hummed to herself, remembering a lot more than she thought she would.

"Married, a nice house, nice car...children, maybe even a dog." Y/N explained, she continued when she saw her teacher ready to interrupt."But the American Dream isn't just about that, it is also about having the perfect marriage, perfect children, the perfect car and when they do get their house it's easy to pay." She furrowed her eyebrows."The American Dream is about having everything easy. When in reality, nothing in America is easy."

"Whys that?" Mr. Gibson asked.

"Because taxes, that's for one." Y/N said bluntly, earning a few laughs around the classroom."And people are being told that their dream isn't going to happen. So they don't bothering hoping on their dream and give up, leaving them to not even try. And with marriage, people are getting divorced so that marks off that part of the 'American Dream'. And houses are expensive, children are too and dogs...they poop everywhere, so not a lot of people want them." Y/N shrugged.

"Last question for you, Miss Y/LN."

Why me?, Y/N groaned quietly.

"Why do people get defensive?" He asked, in the same position as before but he reached for the play after he asked. Y/N furrowed her eyebrows, looking down at the cover of the book before looking back at her teacher.

"Because they know they're guilty."

He threw the book back on his desk with a satisfied grin."Everybody thank Y/N, she is the reason why you all can leave early."

"We have another hour of class." Another student said shocked, he stood up quickly and left the classroom. Everyone shrugged, turning to Y/N and giving her a thankful nod. She watched everyone leave, confusion on her face when the last person left the classroom. She met her teacher's gaze before standing up and going up to him.

"Why did you do that?" Y/N asked, crossing her arms across her chest when she did.

"I've read some of the work you turned into your journalism class." He smiled, putting some paperwork into his bag. Y/N quirked her eyebrow."You're writing is excellent."

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