|21| Beautiful Escape

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Silence. The sound of the clock ticking. Y/N's foot tapping. And her therapist clicking her pen. That's all that was heard in the small room.

Y/N thought it looked very claustrophobic once she stepped in. But then she got used to the small space, the couch she sat on being very comfortable after a minute of sitting in it. She tapped her fingers on her lap, clicking her tongue quietly as she looked anywhere but her therapist's eyes.

"Lauren says in order to get you to talk, I have to start the conversation." Her therapist, Louise, said clicking her pen once again before setting it down on her chart. Y/N finally met her eyes, raising her eyebrows at the lady curiously, which earned a small chuckle from her."She told me a few things. Like how you got mad that you had to come here today."

Y/N remained silent, looking back down at her hands.

"Lauren seems to know a lot about you." Louise said, clicking her pen again; scribbling something down. Y/N looked through her eyelashes, watching the lady write something she was observing. When she stopped, she looked back down at her hand and acted distracted."How do you feel about Lauren?"

"She's my best friend." Y/N finally spoke up, taking a long deep breath after when she realized how fast she was to answer. She saw a satisfied smile come across her therapist's face, making her questionably raise her eyebrow.

"Just your best friend?"

"Yeah." Y/N answered confused, not knowing why she asked that. When she saw her start writing something down again, she sat up and looked at her confusedly."Is that hard to believe or something?"

"I just feel..." She paused, smirking a little when she saw Y/N's curious expression."nah." She concluded, waving her hand dismissively, causing Y/N to furrow her eyebrows.

"No. Tell me." Y/N insisted, gesturing with her hand to have her therapist to talk.

But Louise shook her head, sighing longingly and dramatically,"You would deny it."

"Deny what?"

"That you have feelings for her." Louise finally said, taking Y/N by surprise when she did. Y/N stared at her, taking in that information –wait, do I have feelings for Lauren?

"I don't have feelings for Lauren." Y/N scoffed, sitting back on the couch with her arms crossed. Louise clicked her pen, knowing what was going to happen."I don't." Y/N said to herself, shaking her head as she sat up again."Holy shit, do I?"

Louise observed, writing down certain things she noticed as Y/N spoke about her feelings. This is what the girl needed, she needed to get her feelings out but not to the person she had feelings for. Which is why she wasn't speaking to Lauren at all, she was blindly hiding the fact she had feelings for the green eyed girl...Louise now realizes why Y/N wasn't speaking to Lauren, because she was confused on how she felt with the girl...and was scared to express her feelings...her feelings for Lauren.

"I like Lauren, yes. But...not like that. She's my best friend. I met her almost six months ago...I can't have feelings for her." Y/N said the last part to herself, gulping as she stared down at the carpet. Louise stopped writing, looking up from her glasses to look at the girl. She tilted her head to the side, wondering why Y/N said that.

"Whys that?" Y/N looked at her confusedly, why what? "Why can't you have feelings for Lauren?"

"Because..." Y/N was going back to the day she met Lauren, the night on the rooftop when she told Lauren she would make her feel wanted. Louise watched as Y/N's facial expression change, she noticed that her thinking expression was different from realization."I'm just someone...a someone who's going to be there for her temporarily." Louise quirked her eyebrow, interested on this."I'm only here to make her feel...wanted, until the person she wants opens their fucking eyes because she's the best thing ever...she's the best fucking thing that happened to me, imagine how she will make the person she loves..." Y/N trailed off, feeling something in her chest drop.

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