Parties aren't my cup of tea. (2p Prussia x Reader)

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2p! Mute! Partially Deaf! Prussia x Shy! Reader


        "A-are you sure about this?" you asked your boyfriend Gilen quietly, your voice almost coming out as a whisper.

        Gilen nodded his head and squeezed your hand reassuringly. You both stood outside of Luciano's mansion in the northern section of Italy. Though most took the Mafia leader as not much of a people person, the Italian and country representative loved a good party just as much as the next person. He often found himself throwing extravagant parties when he felt it necessary to get the countries together for a bit of fun. Of course Italian citizens would join in on the fun as well since Luciano didn't limit his parties to just the other country representatives.

        Gilen and you could hear the loud music from where you stood outside in front of the large and fancily decorate doors. You shivered as a cool breeze suddenly blew through the air. Gilen mimicked your movement as a chill ran down his spine. He quickly composed himself.

        "Are you ready?" he signed.

        "No, but I-I suppose I have to go in at s-some point," you replied, your nervousness being reflected in your tone.

        Gilen gave your hand another reassuring squeeze and knocked on the door with his free hand. There was a small silence as the DJ waited for the song playing to completely fade out before he played the next song. The door suddenly opened, causing you to bury your face in Gilen's arm in an attempt to hide yourself. Luciano stood their with a smile on his face and a glass of red wine in his hand.

        "There you are Gilen! Lutz said he wasn't sure if you and your girlfriend were going to show up this time around. I'm glad you two could make it. Please, come in, have a few drinks and socialize," the dark auburn haired male said.

        Gilen began to walk into the building but was met by resistance on your end with you attempting to pull him in the opposite direction, saying that you think you left the stove on at home. Gilen wasn't about to have any of your nonsense tonight though. He walked back to you and calmly picked you up by your waist. The platinum haired male carried you into Luciano's mansion with you still trying to insist that you left the stove on.

        Gilen set you down in front of the dark auburn haired Italian. You immediately shrank back and into Gilen's chest. Luciano chuckled light heartedly, the wine obviously beginning to kick in ever so slightly. He grabbed one of your hands and lifted it up to his lips, placing a chaste kiss on your knuckles. He let go of your hand and let you retract it quickly. Your face was red, almost the shade of a tomato, as you buried your face in the jacket of Gilen. Said male patted your dress clad back in a comforting manor. He removed your face from his jacket and kissed your forehead.

        "Go find Lutz or Matthieu," he signed. "I need to talk with Luciano for a few minutes alone if you don't mind."

        "Alright..." you replied in a small voice.

        You hadn't budged from your spot despite Gilen giving you an expectant look. He gave you a small and gentle push in the direction of the music, causing you to nearly trip considering you were attempting to dig your heel clad feet into the floor. You hesitantly took a few tiny steps away from the two men. Gilen motioned for you to keep going, his hands moving in a shooing manner. You took a deep breath to calm yourself before running into the other room to find Gilen's buff younger brother or burly Canadian friend.

        "She really is such a shy little moonflower, isn't she?" Luciano questioned in a saddened tone.

        "Yes, yes she is," Gilen signed.

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