S is for secrecy. (2p Canada x Reader)

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2p! History Teacher! Canada x Nurse! Reader


Prom was rapidly approaching the high school your lovely boyfriend Matthieu and you worked at. That meant the principal, a fairly cheery Canadian woman from Quebec, was going to be asking teachers and other staff to chaperone the night's events so no risky events went down. Matt and you had chaperoned every year since both of you had begun working at the high school, him for eight years, you for only a half a year more than him, though you were both the same age. He was considered one of the cool teachers, and the kids always requested that he went to Prom. You, since you were a only a nurse, you weren't all that well known, but you were very well liked by the students who found themselves in the nurses' office often. The majority of the school though grew to like you during the first Prom you chaperoned, so you were always requested to be the head nurse at the event.

Currently, school was in session, and Matthieu's fourth class, a North American History class, was all riled up. He usually left the first five minutes of class for his students to quiet down and collect themselves, but if it wasn't done in those five minutes, what little patience he had would leave him and all hell would break loose. They eventually all did quiet down and had their homework ready to be collected by their teacher. Matthieu went around to each desk and picked up what was to be handed in, quickly glancing over it to check for completion, which would count for half of that homework assignment's grade. He put a paper clip on the small pile of papers before placing it on his personal desk and grabbing his coffee cup. He then took a seat on a slightly smaller desk at the front of the classroom.

"So, I assume all those papers are going to be one hundred percent accurate since you had four days to complete the assignment," he said before taking a sip of his coffee with maple syrup in it.

He got a couple nods from some of his students.

"Good. It makes grading them a whole lot fucking easier."

Some of the students giggled. Yeah, Matthieu didn't enforce the whole no cursing policy the school had unless another teacher or school official was in the room. His students recognized this as a code blue in his room and did as they were told to avoid getting their coolest teacher and themselves in trouble.

"Now, before I officially begin class, do any of you have any questions about the homework?"

A boy put his hand up.

"Yes Jordan?"

"It's not a question about the homework, but may I still ask it?"

"Yes. Proceed."

"Alright, so, Prom is tomorrow night, and I know I'm speaking for all of us when I ask this, but are you finally going to bring a date?"

"Teachers aren't required to bring dates. In fact, no one is."

"I know, but we think you'd have more fun if you had one."

"I don't need a date to have fun at an event I'm chaperoning Jordan. Any other questions?"

A girl's hand shot up now.

"Yes Lucinda?"

"Do you even have a girlfriend you could take to Prom?"

"Lucinda, you can't just ask people that!" a girl named Allison said.

"Oh, come on! We all want to know!"

There were a couple quiet noises of agreement and head nodding.


Matthieu sighed. Your relationship with him had been a secret from everyone except the principal since the two of you started dating three years ago. So, that meant the two of you got hit on by quite a few of your single coworkers, especially you.

Problem Solving! (Various 2p Countries x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now