Finding your muse. (2p Romano x Reader)

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2p! Fashion Designer! Romano x Stylist! Reader


You worked on yet another model's make up and hair. Being one of the top stylists in the world had its perks. You got paid fairly well and you were able to meet other famous stylists and fashion designers. There was a downside to the job of course. You had to deal with prissy models who were full of themselves all the time. Hair and make up design wasn't always your forte though. You had in fact been a tomboy most of your life, avoiding make up and girly clothes at all costs. That all changed when you went to college. You didn't know what you were going to major in yet and all of your friends seemed to want to major in cosmetology. Seeing as you didn't want to be alone in college, you majored in cosmetology with all of your buddies. You found out early on in your class that you were a natural at cosmetics and graduated college at the top of your class.

Because of your skill, you were instantly hired at one of the worlds most renown salon chains. It was there that you had found out about a cosmetology competition that was going to take place. The winner would not only gain the title of Stylist of the Year, but also earn the position of chief stylist for an anonymous fashion designer. You had entered this contest as per request of your best friend, (b/f/f/n). You were up against many who were trained far better than you were, but even though you winning was against all odds, you somehow pulled it off. Once you were proclaimed as the winner, the judges announced that you would be the chief stylist for the most famous fashion designer in the world, Flavio Vargas. Everyone knew that he was the second player of Southern Italy, but they didn't seem to care about that.

Flavio and you had become quick friends over the course of your first week. In no time at all you had become just as famous as Flavio. He eventually figured that having an assistant would be good for you, so he let you choose who was to fill that position. You chose (b/f/f/n) as your assistant of course.

Ever so slowly Flavio had fallen in love with you. He had eventually asked you to be his girlfriend and you agreed, seeing that you had a bit of a crush on him yourself. This was news to the media. Everyone who was anyone knew that Flavio Vargas was an aromantic non-monogamous pansexual, so of course the media went crazy. All sorts of news stations, magazines, and official blogs were claiming Flavio and you as the cutest celebrity couple to ever exist. They tried to schedule interviews with the two of you, and you were pretty much bombarded with the paparazzi everywhere you two went for a couple weeks. When things had calmed down, Flavio and you began to except interviews with the press and TV shows. Life couldn't have been any better at this point in your life, or could it have been?

Flavio still didn't want to get married, and he still had a strong disliking for children. You wanted to start a family so badly, but you decided to put it off until Flavio was ready for that kind of commitment. You didn't want to push him to the point of leaving you. If you had to wait a life time to have your dream, then you would do just that. You did have just that, didn't you? A life time to do all of the things most people couldn't do. That beautiful gift yet monstrous curse that you were born with. The very thing that most people would kill to have. Eternal youth and beauty. Some days you just wished that you weren't a Representative of Ill Nations. All the stress from being the only Representative of Ill Nations in the 2p dimension and having to work with snobby models and other stuck up fashion designers really got to you sometimes.

You had a solution to this though. After your first mental break down Flavio had suggested that you should take a break from your work when you became too stressed to concentrate on anything. You loved this idea and agreed to it. To make it even better, Flavio said that he would also take the day off from his work on the days that you would take your breaks so you could both spend a day doing whatever you wanted. These days would normally consist of watching movies at home and cuddling on the couch with the occasional dinner date at a five-star restaurant. You hated having to dress up to go out and would try to decline the dinner dates, but Flavio always managed to get you to say yes. This was usually done by him using his Italian charm on you, grabbing you by the hand, and twirling you around in a quick tango with him. It always ended with him leaning you down into a dip and giving you a quick kiss on the lips.

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