The Fence- A Mr. Cash Story

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For those of you who are band noobs, the above is a textbook example of Conductor Face, a phenomenon that proves, beyond a reasonable doubt, that we should no longer trust conductors with batons.


o me and my buddy Leland were in college. One of my family friends asked if someone could paint their fence. The two of us could use a bit of extra money, and we had nothing to do during the summer, so we accepted. We forgot to ask two crucial questions, though. 1) How long the fence was, and 2) what color we were supposed to paint the fence.

So Leland and I were driving out there, when, a couple miles from where we were supposed to be, we saw a really long fence.

"Hey," Leland said, "Do you think that's the fence we're supposed to paint?"

"No way," I said, "It's way too far away."

It was the fence.

When we finally got there, we were handed a bucket of white paint and told to get going. White paint. For the black fence.

Needless to say, it took forever. On our first day, we only got maybe five percent of the fence done. When I went home, my skin was sunburned and blistered. It was the worst.

We only lasted three days. After that, we gave up before ever finishing the fence.


First off, sorry for the long wait between updates. I felt my content quality dropping off, so I took a break. Now that summer's kicked off, though, I hope to upload a lot more, so stay tuned! In the meantime, remember to vote, comment, and share with all you're band friends. You should also probably practice your instrument some, if you play one. If you're anything like me, you've practiced once, tops.

Hope to see you guys all back here with a new Tale From the Band Room next week (if I remember)!

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