Chapter Three

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 Okay so this chapter three. yay! I really like this story and I showed it to my friend and every chapter I wrote she was obsessed with, sooo I hope you guys are too. :P


 Chapter 3

  Today was the day I was looking for a job. I woke up in a hurry, and dressed in jean shorts, a white tank top, and a black leather jacket.  I cuffed the sleeves, and looked in my full body mirror. I look decent. I thought. Job appropriate right? Right. 

I grabbed my bag along with my phone, and the mysterious note book. I stuffed them into my bag, and went on my way out the door. As I walked down the street, I got that same familiar feeling that someone was watching me. I looked around and there wasn't anyone in sight. I turned around, and nearly jumped when I saw Lexy staring up at me smiling as she rock back and forth on the balls of her feet.

 " Lexy! You scared the cow out of me!" Cow? Smooth Soph, real smooth. She just giggled." I was just going to see Harry when I saw you walking." I nodded. I really need to pay more attention to my surroundings." Where are you going?"

" I'm going to find a job." Her face lit up, like a light bulb went on in her head." Ooh Harry can surely help you with that." She said, tugging me by my hand. She brought me to a small bakery, the bell on the door chiming as we walked in." Harry!!" She called out. People around the bakery looked our way, making me smile in embarrassment. Harry came out, and picked up Lexy, twirling her around." Whatcha' need love?" He asked setting her down. But she still slipped her small hand in his." Sophie needs a job." Harry looked at me curiously." I think I might know the perfect place for you."

Harry managed to score me a job as a waitress at a local  restaurant down the street I start on Wednesday." Thanks again Harry." He grinned like the Cheshire cat." It's no problem babe." I blushed a little when he called me babe. I started walking, but stopped when he called me." Hey..." I turned around." Can I, uh, get your number?" I smiled at his nervousness, and nodded. I gave him my black berrie, while he gave me his IPhone.  We swapped numbers, and then gave each others phones back.

" L-later Sophie." He stuttered nervously, and walk away." Bye Harry." I smiled at his retreating figure in awe. His girlfriend must be very lucky to have him. That thought stung me for some reason, but I just shrugged it off. I decided to go to the little coffee shop.

I sat down after getting my tea, and pulled out the journal. I had folded the page that I was reading so I know where I left off.

            Dear Diary,

    Spring is finally here! It has to be one of my favorite seasons. Today me and Curly are going on our annual fishing trip. He said it was a surprise. That's what I love about him, he's always full of surprises. He also said that he would take me to see the fire works on the 4th of July. he helps put every year. I have to go, Curly is here.

Love, Lily

        I closed the book, and took a sip of my tea. I need to know who this 'Curly' guy is. He seems like a nice guy, although I'm not looking to seek out a date. I hate guys and am still trying to get away from one. I shrugged it off the topic and pack up my stuff, throwing out my tea after I was done. I took a walk around a little, just to get to know my surroundings. As I walked down the side walk, I heard giggles and feet shuffling around. I walked closer, and found a cute little park. There was 3 little girls playing tag. I smiled, thinking about how me and my friends used to do that when we were little. 

I walked passed them, and passed by some more buildings. Soon I reached the beach. It was next to the restaurant I worked at. I took off my shoes, and walked down the beach, loving the feeling of sand between my toes. 

I ended up sitting in the sand with my legs spread out. I started building little sand castles out of boredom. I didn't realize what I had drawn until I looked down.

                 S + J     Forever and Always 

       My eyes widened, and I quickly wiped it away. Why am I thinking about him? He ruined me! I shook my head, and looked up at the waves, then the darkening sky. I suddenly wished I was a bird. They looked so carefree, have no worries. Some were beautiful, and some were freaky, but only in their own little ways.

I sighed and l laid down in the sand, continuing to stare up at the sky. The stars were starting to make their appearance, shining like tiny diamonds.

" I wish I could forget about everything." I whispered silently.


Short but cute. :) Took me a long ass time to publish this. :P



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