Chapter One

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New fan fiction! Don't worry, I'm still working on the others. :)


      The trained squeaked and skidded to a stop. I got off and looked at my surroundings. Much better than Wolverhampton. I thought. Once I got out, I tried locating a taxi. There was nothing in sight. I sighed and lifted up my suit case once again. I decided to ask for directions.

" Hi, excuse me miss, but do you know where Wallace Avenue is?" I asked a young women around my age." Ugh, it's about 2 or 3 miles up that road, then make left." I thanked her and walked off. Luckily I had only a duffel bag and a suit case to carry. The rest was already at the house.

It wasn't easy walking those '2 or 3' miles, the wheels on my suit case kept stumbling over rocks and dirt. My feet started aching, and the sun was beating down on me, making me feel like a 300 degree oven. Soon buildings of the small town started to disappear, so it was just me and a road surrounded by trees. I trudged up the rest of the way, and was greeted by some houses.

They looked kind of old which got me thinking some creeps, or old people lived around here. I dug through my duffel bag, and pulled out a picture of the new place I was supposed to be living in. I looked around and none of them looked alike.... Except for one.

It was really big and old. Really old. The windows were boarded up, the paint was chipped and faded, and the railings were knocked up. I did a double take on the picture, and then back at the house. Well like they say, " don't judge a book by its cover". Well this shit is unreal. I sighed and climbed the creaky porch steps. I hesitantly turned the handle, afraid it would crumble at one touch.

If you told me that this house was unique, then I would have looked at you like you were the joker himself. The wall was peeling, cob webs were every where, and it looked even stuffier with all my boxes crammed inside." Welcome home." I mumbled to myself.

It took me hours to unpack. My furniture was already put in its place. The house had three bed rooms, and two baths. The kitchen looked was quite large just like the living room, and dining room. My favorite was the master bed room. The walls were also peeling, but the bed was huge. I unpacked the rest of my things, and went to bed saying to my self that I would go to the store tomorrow.

The next morning I woke up early and got up to get some breakfast. I got out my coffee maker and plugged it into an outlet. The appliances looked a little new, but at that point I only trusted the toaster. I grabbed my mug off fresh coffee and plopped down on the couch.  Now the TV wasn't that new. It looked about 2 years old. I'm just glad it worked. But, sadly, the only thing that was on was Sponge Bob. I got bored after a while and decided to search around the house a bit.

I didn't dare go into the basemen, afraid that it possessed something that would come out and attack me. My older brother used to always try to scare me. I shook away that unwanted thought and searched the guest rooms. I decided the medium sized one would be good for my instruments and sound equipment. My dream was to be a dancer, but then that turned to into messing around with music, making music. After I was done exploring, I got dressed, and  decided to go into town. I grabbed my purse, and stepped out into the summer heat.

    As I walked by one house I could've sworn some one was staring at me. I turned around and looked at the house, but nothing was there.' I must be paranoid'. I thought. Once I made it to town, I noticed there was a lot more people than yesterday. I  saw a hardware store and quickly walked inside. The girl that I saw yesterday was standing behind the counter." Nice to see a familiar face." I said smirking. She turned her head away from a customer and looked at me smiling.

" Ah, did you get to your destination safely?" She joked, grinning. I nodded." I don't think we properly met, I'm Rosie." She said and stuck out her hand. I took it, shaking it." I'm Sophie."

" Now what brings you here?" She asked in all seriousness. But her eyes still gleamed in amusement." I need paint." She nodded." I'll go get some samples." She walked to the back of the store, leaving me alone. There was silence until I heard footsteps, giggling.

     The bell on the door rang as it opened." Come on Uncle Harry! Put me down!" A little high pitched voice squealed. I turned and saw a little girl on a guys shoulders, giggling." Nope Lexy, not until you say how awesome of an uncle I am." The deep voice said in amusement." Harry, put poor little Lexy down." I jumped at the sudden sound of the demanding voice.

" Oops, sorry Soph I didn't mean to scare you." Rosie apologised. I smiled at her reassuringly, and took the paint samples." I'm Alex, but call me Lexy." She said rushing at the end, giggling." I'm Sophie, and I must say Lexy that you have a pretty name." I said emphasizing her 'name'. She blushed. I chuckled." I'm Harry Styles." The guy that Lexy was on top of said.' Nice to meet you." I smiled warmly, shaking his extended hand.

Tingles shot up my arm, making me pull my hand away, blushing." The pleasure is all mine." He said with a smirk playing on his lips.

" So wotcha doin' here Sophie." Lexy asked." I'm buying paint."

" Cool, I can help you pick out the colors?" She offered. I nodded." What would have in mind?" I grinned. She tapped her chin with the tips of her fingers, a thinking expression on her face." Yellow for the kitchen, green for the living room, and light purple for the dining room." I thought about it for a bit, but eventually agreed." I'll take yellow, green, and light purple." I told Rosie, winking at Lexy. She nodded, going to the back of the store again." If you don't mind me asking, but what made you want to move here?"

 That was a question I wanted to avoid." That's a story for another time." Was my only reply. He looked at me puzzled, but shook it off.

 Finally after a long silence, Rosie came back lugging buckets of paint." Thanks Rosie, how much will that be?"

" Forty dollars please." She sang. I handed her the money, and attempted to carry all the cans of paint out the door." And this is where I come in." Harry said sarcastically, and grabs three of the cans." Thanks."

" Can I come Uncle Harry?" Lexy asked giving her best puppy dog eyes. Even I couldn't resist. Harry tapped a finger on his chin playfully, pretending to think." Fine, but no funny business." Lexy jumped and squealed, running a head of us.

We walked back to my house in silence. Lexy would occasionally crack a joke every now and then.


I've been wanting to post this for a while and now I finally have! :)




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