Manami, The Sarcastic Witch

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Hey y'all, here is the next chappy of Cookie. In this chappy we get to meet Manami (if the title didn't give that away) during Hidan's little third person flashback/story to Cookie. SO yeah, enjoy babes. Comment and vote, yatta yatta. Pic on the side is what I more or less imagine the cabin to look. 

On with the story!


"Hey *poke*...Hey, are you alright?"

It was to this that a silver haired man, whom was lying face up on the floor of a small wooden cabin deep into the forest, was awoken. Magenta colored eyes slowly cracked open, blearily looking around for a moment before they startled open as he regained his bearings and shot up from his previous position. The man tensed his body, ready for an attack as his last memory was that of a battle, but only saw an odd looking girl staring back at him in poorly concealed amusement. The small, black wand in her hand told him she was the one responsible for the previous pokes that stirred him awake and before he could ask her where he was, the silverette was distracted by the girl's strange appearance.

Said girl had long blue hair that was streaked with an array of other colors on the underside of her locks. Her large blue eyes stared at him in amusement, an emotion he was not excited to see when he thought of himself to be quite the scary man. He was an Akatsuki member after all, the worst kind of criminal according to others' accounts.

Magenta eyes trailed from her strange hair to her even odder garments, a dark poofy dress paired with blue and white thigh highs. Silver eyebrows furrowed at her as she raised one in return, wondering why the man was studying her so closely and silently.

"Weird." He finally mumbled under his breath causing her to roll her eyes.

Really? That's the first thing he's going to say?

"Oh trust me, you looked much stranger when I picked you up." She said flatly as she leaned back from her kneeling position to a much more leisurely position on het bottom. The girl began to inspect her nails as if utterly disinterested and unafraid of the man, something that sparked annoyance in his blood.

"Y'know." She continued at the man's look of confusion. "head severed and the rest of you looking like Neapolitan ice cream."

The man glared at her, ego slightly bruised by being compared to such a trivial thing as a tri-colored ice cream. He didn't think to question her just yet as to why she would bring what anyone else would assume to be a corpse all the way from the battle scene to...wherever the hell this was.

That, he decided to ask upon.

"Oi, weird bitch. Where the fuck am I?" Once again that stupid amused look appeared in her eyes as she tsk'ed and shook her head.

"That is just not how you talk to a lady, one who rescued you much less. Ask again after the beep." She returned to picking at the black polish that partly coated her nails.

A pause.

"Aren't you going to beep?" He asked impatiently after a minute or so of silence. This girl was starting to piss him off. The silverette didn't particularly enjoy being so disoriented and at a loss of the events happening around him. The girl's cheeky attitude wasn't something he particularly enjoyed having to deal with after waking up either.

She grinned liked a Cheshire cat and somewhat shrugged, crossing her arms and leaning against one of the wooden pillars that held up the home. Unlike the silverette, she was relishing in their exchange, fairly used to having no one but herself and animals to talk to. The silverette was easy to rile up too, which made it all the more entertaining.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2016 ⏰

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