Cookie Has Secrets...Shh!

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Hey guys! It’s been a while hasn’t it? Thank you all for being so patient with my updates. I know their slow and all. By the way, the picture on the side is not the original one I chose. However, the original is not updating to my photobucket and I'm not going to tinker with it any longer. And, without further interruption, enjoy the chapter below!



It was amazing…

Round ovals were drawn on the page first, being transformed into eyes in only seconds. Rings patterned on the inside, all a perfect distance from each other and somewhat resembling a target. Her face held a completely concentrated look as she leaned even closer to the scroll to sharpen the edges of the eyes. Meanwhile, the group that surrounded her was in a shocked stupor.

By now, as she went on to the drawing the face, it was obvious who she was drawing.

That was Pein’s rinnegan after all.

As she continued on to the piercings that studded his nose and ears, only one member seemed to remove himself from the entrancement. He narrowed his brightly colored eyes at the girl who paid no mind to her surroundings.

This drawing style…was so familiar.

No. He remembered it well. The only person he knew that drew like this was…


“Oi…” He began, his voice seeming to ring in the quiet room.

“You wouldn’t know a girl named Manami, would ya?” Immediately the room seemed to grow a couple degrees colder. The once fast strokes of the girl’s inkbrush ceased to abrupt halt as she froze. From what the magenta-eyed male could see, her eyes were wide and unblinking.

The rest of the members, not drawn in to her ink strokes anymore blinked and looked at her frozen form.

She slowly turned her head to Hidan, staring at him in what seems to be a calculating motion. After a few long moments, she slowly shook her head ‘no’.

It was obvious she was lying which made the silver-haired man’s eye twitch.

“Hey! Little fucker! Don’t fuc-OW!” He cursed, grabbing his head that Konan just punched.

“Stop cursing.” She hissed at him. He opened his mouth to defy that order but before they could begin to banter again, a certain blonde interrupted.

“Who the hell is Manami, anyways, un?” He asked the potty mouth. If the girl was lying about her knowledge of this person, than that means he could find this ‘Manami’ girl and possibly find something out about the little toddler.

Hidan glared at Konan once more before turning to the blonde. Shrugging with a huff, he placed his chin on one hand.

“Just some bitch that took care of me when I was injured.” He dismissed with the other hand, eyes trailing back to the girl for a reaction. She was staring at him again.

“Where?” Deidara urged, dismissing the fact that Konan didn’t thwap Hidan for the curse that slipped his mouth.

The Jashinist quickly snapped his blazing eyes to the blonde’s blue ones.

“In Taki…Don’t fucking try to look for her, tranny. That’s a lost cause.” Deidara narrowed his eyes at him, mildly surprised along with the other members that Hidan was being so serious.

The girl sat stock still before grasping her brush and continuing in her quick strokes as if she never had stopped. You could tell she was uncomfortable by the unsettling frown on her face.

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