Chapter 1: The Pain In Your Eyes

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A/N: Surprise! I'm back a little earlier than I planed but I hope you don't mind. I'm excited and kinda scared for this new story but I wish you will enjoy it. This story isn't AU because I wanted to try something different. This story also holds a very dark theme but I promise there will be fluff and of course something funny too, after all it's Teen Wolf we're talking about. So please give this story a change and tell me what you think about it. Dedicated to these three wonderful people who had made me smile so much mychemicalrainbows, FangirlsandFandoms and LydiaStilinski-9. With love, Arisa.

"I see your monsters, I see your pain.
Tell me your problems, I'll chase them away.
I'll be your lighthouse. I'll make it okay.
When I see your monsters I'll stand there so brave, and chase them all away."
⁃ Katie Sky

Lydia's POV:

What would you do if you'd have a really big and very dark secret? Would you run into someone's arms searching for comfort? Or would you just try to push everyone away? Or maybe you could just try to deal with it yourself? You could also try to hide it from everyone. Well I'm really not doing none of those expect the hiding part. I'm mostly just trying to survive each day and help my friends, my pack, as much as I can.

My name is Lydia Martin and I live in Beacon Hills along with my family, my friends and my school. Everything was normal until I got involved into this supernarural world full of werewolves, kanimas, nokitsunes and everything you could ever imagine. I by myself got to know that I'm a banshee. At first I didn't even realize I could help my friends but believe me when I did I've done everything I can to help them. Because they mean the world to me no matter how sassy I may sometimes appear to them. I've also tried to spend as much time with them as I can because I absolutely don't wanna be at home... Though tonight I would have to be. Thankfully my parents were still on a vacation for two days and Allison had promised to come over for a sleepover till they would return.

I decided to take a quick shower and relax a little before she would arrive. I stepped into to the bathroom and stripped and put my clothes into the laundry box. Then I walked to the shower and made sure not to take a glance at the mirror. I turned the shower on and shivered as the burning hot water hit my skin. I let the water run through my body and sighed in relief. I let all my thoughts run away from my head and just enjoyed the feeling as much as I could. But to my dissapointment my thoughts soon returned and I just stanted there motionless before finally stepping out. I wrapped myself into a towel and walked back to my room while humming my new favourite song closing my eyes. When I opened them I started to went through my pajamas and decided to take cute grey fleece panties with bunnies on them and a white long sleeved shirt with a pastel pink heart on it. You may ask why I would wear pajama's like that in june but I just have my reasons.

I dropped my towel to the floor and heard a loud gasp. My heart jumped into my throat as I recognised the voice. Allison. I couldn't dare to turn to face her and her probaply disgusted impression. I just stood there feeling the cold evening air blowing through my naked body. Allison must have arrived from my window as she almost always does. Then it actually hit me that I was standing there infront of her naked and I fastly pulled my pajamas on. I could feel my cheeks burning from embaressment and still couldn't turn to Allison. Then I felt a hand on my shoulder turning me around.

"Lydia. What is going on?" Allison asked worry clear in her voic
"I-I..." I started trying my best to stay strong but could already feel a tear sliding down my cheek.
"Who...? Who did this to you?" Allison said anger slipping through her shocked impression.
"My-my father..." I whispered before breaking down completely and felt my foot went from under me.

I felt strong arms catch me and looked up to meet Allison's sad face. She hugged me tightly and I burried my face into her chest. I hated showing weakness especially infront of her. It wasn't that I didn't trust her, not at all I trusted her with my life. But I just wanted her to think that I was strong too and that she wouldn't have to protect me so much. But in that moment I was helpless. My secret was out and there was nothing I could do to hide it again. She had seen it all. All those bruises, marks, scars and wounds. My skin had been fully exposed and even though I had clothes on now I still felt naked. I felt Allison's hand softly cares through my hair and I heard her gentle voice whisper comforting things into my ear. And although I hated the fact that she had found out, I finally felt safe in months. My sobs turned into hiccups and then into sniffles. I looked up at Allison and she gave me a comforting smile. I gave her a weak one back.

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