Chapter 2: I Won't Give In

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A/N: Hi there everyone! Sorry it took me so long to update I had way too much to do today. But here it is chapter two. I hope you enjoy this. I've also been wondering to start another story but I'm not sure should I start another Allydia story or Malydia story. Please comment which one you would like the most and I'll start with it. Special thanks for these three again mychemicalrainbows, FangirlsandFandoms and LydiaStilinski-9, I love you guys. With love, Arisa.

Allison's POV:

I blinked my eyes open when the first rays of sunshine hit my face. I was about to stretch when I noticed a weight on my chest. Lydia. She was curled tightly to my sight and looked very peaceful and I smiled at the cute sight. Though last night's events came back to my mind and my smile faded away. Today things would change. And they would change for the better. We still had two days before Lydia's parents would head back so we for sure could make a good plan with the rest of the pack. First I would need to call to Melissa for her to do a check up for Lydia. Then I would have to discuss with the pack and we would have to make a way to caught Lydia's father somehow. We already had proofs all over Lydia's body but we still didn't have any proofs that they were made by Lydia's father.

I sighed and tried to relax and enjoy the fact that my gorgeus best friend was laying close next to me and soon smile returned to my face. It was just the way it always was. Lydia always made me feel so happy. She had the best sassy remarks in the world and was the funniest person after Stiles that I'd met. When I was around her I felt good. I also knew I had a soft spot for this girl. She truly held a very special place in my heart.

And in those moments I was sure I felt something more towards her than just friendship. But I wouldn't let it show. Atleast not yet. Like it was so freaking complicated! At the same time I just wanted to smash my lips into her's and kiss her breathless but then again I atleast thought what she needed now was not that. She just needed someone to be there for her and although she wouldn't admit it easily also someone to protect her. And for that I was there for her.

I came back from my thoughts when I heard Lydia sleepily mumble against my chest and flutter her eyes open. She looked at me sleepily and I gave her a soft smile. Suddenly her eyes widened and she shot up fast. She must've remembered last night too. She looked away embaressed but I just gently cupped her cheeks and made her look at me.

"It's okay, really it is. Don't feel ashamed." I reasured her.
"It's just that... I know you're gonna told about this to the rest of the pack. But I... I don't want them to know! I feel so stupid already! They're gonna get hurt and angry and I can't take that! I feel like an a helpless idiot who can't do nothing to defeat herself! I can't eve-" she started to panic but I silenced her by putting my finger on her lips.
"Stop. You know that's not going to happen. We all care about you and want to help you. Even the strongest ones need help sometimes. And you need help now Lydia. I don't want to see you to get hurt." I told her firmly.
"But I-" she started but I shushed her off again.
"No buts. Just please let us help you. Or actually no. Were are not gonna ask you this time. We are gonna help you." I stated.

"I hate you." she mumbled.
"And I hate you too Mrs. Martin. But you know I also love you. And I remember you telling me last night that you would start to hate me for this but also love me for this." I smirked at her playfully.
"Idiot." she said now smiling at me.
"Come on let's go make some breakfast and then we're going to the hospital." I said while pulling her up from the bed.
"Yeah... Wait what?! To the hospital? But why?!" she asked looking suddenly very scared.
"Lydia you know those marks have to be taken care of. And I want Melissa to do a check up for you. Just to be sure." I told her gently sensing her un easiness.

"You know I hate hospitals..." she whispered trying to sound angry but failing misserably.
"I know. But I'm coming with you. You won't be alone." I said comfortingly.
"Okay..." she finally gave in. "But you better let me cook because nah ah girl I'm not gonna eat burnt bacon this morning." she added smirking at me teasingly.
"Hey! It wasn't that badly burnt..." I said playing to be hurt.
"Yeah like what ever you say. Let's just go I can't stand just standing here with you looking at me like I'm gonna break down at any minute again. It was a one time thing. I'm Lydia Martin and I don't break down." she huffed.
"Yeah like what ever you say." I mimicked her chuckling.

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